While applying for the trademark registration, you need to identify the accurate class of goods and services in which you want to seek the protection. For the purpose of registration, the goods and services classified into 45 classes.
It should be clear whether the product is a Good or a Service. If the product is a Good, then it should be registered under Class 1 to Class 34, after looking at the list of terms given under the Nice Classification. If the product is a Service, then it should be registered under Class 35 to Class 45, with the aid of the List of Classes, the Explanatory Notes and the Alphabetical List given under the Nice Classification.
The trademark serves as badge of the business whether it's protecting your business name/logo or any product of the company. But while selecting the trademark class, you must ensure that you are applying for the whole business (company name/logo) or particular product name/logo. Because it's not necessary that the classification for a particular product would be same as the classification you would use for the business as a whole.
Choosing a correct trademark class might be confusing at times, but all you need to remember is the goods or services you are using or intend to use in the future, not on the ones you using way you use your trademark to market your product/service. For example, using your logo on a dress doesn't mean you should also list the shirts, pants or t-shirts just because these products also falling in the clothes category unless you genuinely have plan to sell them too.
This question can be another trap to hamper trademark registration process while selecting the accurate trademark classes for the goods or services. Always choose the class which describe the final product of your business, not the ingredients used for the final products. For example, if your final product is knitted sweaters then it should be falls in class 25 (Clothing) not in class 23 (Yarns and threads).
If a product cannot be classified with the aid of the List of Classes, the Explanatory Notes and the Alphabetical List, the following remarks set forth the criteria to be applied in case the product is a Good:
If a service cannot be classified with the aid of the List of Classes, the Explanatory Notes and the Alphabetical List, the following remarks set forth the criteria to be applied in case the product is a service: