Trademark registration in certain cases is based on prior use or first claim and hence the applicant needs to attach the user affidavit along with the trademark application.
User- Affidavit is an official trademark statement that is made by the trademark user along with the trademark registration application. The user affidavit is a mandatory attachment that is required to be attached with all trademark applications.
The proprietor signing the affidavit is known as “deponent” who declares that the content mentioned in the affidavit is true and accurate to the best of his belief and knowledge and nothing has been concealed or misstated.
The “User date” is the date which implies the date of first use of the trademark by the proprietor which is included in the affidavit. the trademark applicant needs to include the commercial transaction receipts in such cases.
In case the trademark is being used previously by the proprietor then the documents in respect of it shall be attached along with the affidavit.
Documents which can be attached along with affidavit are as follows:
Under the Trademark Rules, 2017 the user affidavit submitted along the application shall contain following documents along with the trademark application.
The user affidavit shall include the “name of the mark” that is to be registered. The name of the mark must be clearly mentioned along with its description on all trademark application.
The user affidavit shall include “name, address, nationality” of the proprietor.
The user affidavit shall clearly mention the “Class of the Mark” under which the trademark is required to be registered by the user.
The class of the mark means under which the goods are being traded or services are rendered by the proprietor.
The user affidavit shall include the date of first use of the trademark by the proprietor. Date of first use is the date when the goods were first transacted, or the services were first rendered, under the mark by the proprietor.
In case the mark is to be firstly used by the proprietor, then the date of first use can be mentioned as “Proposed to be used”.