Trademark Class 31: Grains, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables

According to NICE Classification, Trademark Class 31 is opted to register a trademark for grains and agricultural, horticultural, and forestry products.

The NICE Classification was established in 1957 by NICE Agreement, and it divides marks into 45 different classes by Goods and Services (Classes 1-34 for Goods and Classes 35-45 for Services). The purpose of these classifications is to allow users to seek trademark goods or services into classes most appropriate to their business.

TM Class 31 includes grains and agricultural, horticultural and forestry products not included in other classes; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds; natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals; malt. It also includes raw woods; raw cereals; fertilized eggs for hatching; molluscs, and crustacean (live).

Why Should We Opt For TM Class 31?

You would choose Trademark Class 31 if you were registering any of these types of goods:

  • Grains and agriculture
  • Horticulture
  • Forestry products
  • Live animals, Foodstuffs for animals
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Natural plants and flowers
  • Raw woods and cereals
  • Molluscs
  • Crustacean

You would not use Trademark Class 31 if you were registering for:

Related Classes

A related trademark class is one that is related to another class; this is due to the Indian Trademark Office (ITO) has determined that applicants registering within Class 31 may register in these other classes too.

If you are not sure while choosing Class 31 for your product, you also consider the following “Related Classes”:  Class 5- Pharmaceuticals, Class 30- Coffee, Flour, Rice, Class 29- Meat, Fish, Poultry, Class 32- Beers and Beverages, Class 35- Advertising and Business, Class 43- Food Services, Class 42- Science and Technology Services, and Class 44- Medical and Vet Services.

Trademark Registration fees also vary on bases of the Class system. You must pay a separate registration fee for each class of goods and services that you want to register. For instance, if you are going to register a trademark for posters in Class 16 and shirts for Class 25, you should pay two separate fees.

It is necessary to choose the correct class at the time of registering a trademark, if you register a trademark in the wrong class, you must start the registration process from the beginning.

List of All Goods Covered Under TM Class 31

  • Live animals, organisms for breeding, live, spiny lobsters, silkworms, silkworm eggs, live, shellfish, sea-cucumber, live, poultry, liver, oysters, liver, mussels, live, menagerie animals, lobster, live, live animals, fishing bait, live, fish, live, fish spawn, fertilized, eggs for hatching, crustaceans, live, crayfish, live, bred stock. 
  • Agricultural and aquacultural crops, horticulture and forestry products, maize, Algae, algae for human or animal consumption/seaweed for human or animal consumption.
  • Plants, vine plants, sugarcane, seedling, plants, dried, for decoration, nettles, hops, hop cones, aloe vera plants.
  • Fresh fruits, nuts, vegetables and herbs, vegetables, fresh, squashes/marrows, spinach, fresh, roots for food, rhubarb, potatoes, fresh, peppers (plants), peas, fresh, peanuts, fresh, oranges, fresh vegetables, onions, olives, fresh, nuts (fruits), locust beans, lettuce, fresh, lentils, fresh, lemons, leeks, kola nuts/cola nuts, juniper berries, hazelnuts, grapes, garden herbs, fruit, cucumbers, copra, coconuts, raw, cocoa beans, citrus fruit, chicory (salad), chicory roots, chestnuts, fruits, berries, fresh, beet, beans, almonds (fruits).
  • Malts and unprocessed cereals, wheat, rye, unprocessed, rice, oats, malt for brewing and distilling, grains (cereals), bran, barley.
  • Natural turf, natural/sod, turf.
  • Flowers, wreaths of natural flowers, sesame, flowers, natural, flowers, dried, for decoration.
  • Seeds, bulbs and seedlings for plant breeding, pollen (raw material), grains (seeds)/plant seeds, seed germ for botanical purposes, flowers bulbs, unprocessed, cereal seeds.
  • Trees and forestry products, Christmas trees, wood chips for the manufacture of wood pulp, unsawn timber, undressed timber, trunks of trees, trees, shrubs/bushes, rough cork, rose bushes, raw barks, pine cones, palms (leaves of the tree), palm trees.
  • Plant residues (raw material), straw mulch, residue in a still after distillation, fruit residue (marc)/marc, draff, coconut shell, badasses of cane (raw material).
  • Fungi, fresh, truffles, mushrooms, mushroom spawn for propagation.
  • Foodstuffs and fodder for animals, yeast for animal consumption, wheat germ for animal consumption, strengthening animal forage, straw [forage], stall food for animals, salt for cattle, rice meal for forage, rape cake for cattle, preparations for egg laying poultry, pet food, peanut meal for animals, peanut cake for animals, oil cake/cattle cake, meal for animals, mash for fattening livestock, maize cake for cattle, linseed meal for animal consumption/flaxseed meal for animal consumption, linseed for animal consumption/flaxseed for animal consumption, lime for animal forage, groats for poultry, grains for animal consumption, for animal consumption/residual products of cereals for animal consumption, fodder/cattle food/forage, flax meal [fodder], fish meal for animal consumption, edible chews for animals, dog biscuits, distillery waste for animal consumption, cuttle bone for birds, by-products of the processing of cereals, bran mash for animal consumption, bird food, beverages for pets, animal foodstuffs, animal fattening preparations/livestock fattening preparations, algarovilla for animal consumption.
  • Bedding and litter for animals, straw litter, sanded paper for pets (litter), litter peat, products for animal litter, hay, aromatic sand for pets (litter).
Get your Trademark registered under Class 31 by the experts at Quick Company.

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