Below is the list of documents that one needs for the trademark registration for a varied business type.
A trademark registration for a private limited company would require the following documents:
The following information is needed to be filled in the TM-Info Sheet:
The TM-information sheet is the same for all.
The trademark registration process requires the same documents as above, but an additional deed needs to be attached in case of Limited Liability Partnership, which is known as LLP Deed. So the documents sum up to:
Trademark registration for any company under partnership needs to submit the following documents:
The requirement for trademark registration of Proprietorship is very limited;
For society as business type the requirements are very basic just the format of the forms are different;
This type again needs a Trust Deed to be attached to the other documents, so the combination of documents required;
If you don't have a company, and you are registering TM as an individual then the following documents are needed;