International Copyright Registration

International Conventions like Berne Convention, TRIPS Agreement, Universal Copyright Convention etc have made copyright registration easier on a global level by following a general standard of protection.

These conventions work on a simple principal which is works of original creativity or works of the mind.

Copyrights are protected in India under the Copyrights Act, 1957 which functions within the Indian Borders. However, there are several copyright conventions, which allow ‘Indian Works’ to be protected internationally.

  1. Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
  2. WIPO Copyright Treaty
  3. Universal Copyright Convention
  4. Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms against Unauthorized Duplication of their Phonograms
  5. Multilateral Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation of Copyright Royalties
  6. Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement.

Indian Works can be protected in all the countries which are member of these conventions or have signed copyright agreements.

Governing Principals of Copyright Conventions

There are a few minimum standards for protection which have been adopted by the Copyright Conventions as a part of their National Laws.

  • Works with origin in any of the member countries will be treated equally in all the other countries.
  • The protection of the work is automatic i.e. it will come in to force once it is expressed in a tangible form (hard copy).
  • Exercising of the rights is independent of the rights practiced in any other country (or country of origin).

Copyright Registration Fee

There is no standard fee for copyright registration and it differs according to different countries. Suppose an Indian Citizen wants to apply for Copyright Registration outside the country. Then he/she would require paying the following fee.

Country Applied in  GOVT FEES(E-filing)
United States of America $ 35*
Canada  $ 50* 

Copyright Protection in India (for foreigners)

Works originated outside India are treated as ‘Foreign Works’.  The International Copyright Order 1999 protects the creators/authors of foreign works.

According to the Law, protection and rights given to the foreign works will not extend beyond the home country (India). Both criminal and civil remedies are available for foreign works in case of any infringement. These remedies are implemented through the

  • The Intellectual Property Appellate Board and
  • The Indian Courts.

Copyright Registration Fee

A registration fee will apply for all the applicants seeking copyright protection in India. You can also file the application by visiting the Copyright Office

Country Applied In  GOVT FEES(E-filing)
India  Rs. 2,000-Rs.5,000  

Frequently Asked Questions

Though copyright protection is automatic there are still several questions about the functioning of the conventions, procedure or fees.

Can copyright Registration protect your work internationally?

Yes, International Copyright Registration can be initiated through the different copyright conventions in the countries who have signed the copyright agreement.

Can you apply for Copyright Registration in more than one country?

Yes, if your work is in tangible form, it can be protected in multiple countries.

Is there a department for International Copyright Registration?

No, there is no specific department for International Copyright Registration.

However; if you wish to apply in a country who is not a member of any of the copyright convention then a separate application will be filed according to the Country Law.

What does the use of symbol © denotes?

This symbol denotes ownership of work by an individual/company and that no third party can use any content of the work without asking its owner.

Why is Berne Convention important?

Berne Convention is an International copyright agreement which allows the protection of creative works regardless of where it was created.

It has more than 180 member countries and has set a minimum standard of protection for the other conventions.

How long is a Copyright valid?

Copyright Registration in India is valid for 60 years after the death of the creator/author however, the validity period differs according to different countries.

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