Want to register an international trademark?
It is crucial that you have an active application that is either pending with CGPDTM or is registered in India.
The applicant must meet at least one of the following eligibility criterion:
International trademark protection for your trademark is only possible through Madrid e-filing process. The applicant can file for trademark protection in more than one country through a single application.
The International Bureau of world Intellectual Organisation is the regulatory body. The treaty has provided members of the party countries with a one-stop destination for registration.
The examination process of these applications is done as per the laws applicable in the regional office of the designated countries.
Madrid system simplifies the management of your international trademark application as the applicant can file any changes, renewal or file the mark directly with their I.P. office.
Step 1
The applicant needs to conduct a trademark search for the mark he wishes to register with the designated countries. Similar or identical marks do not receive protection from any of the selected countries.
Step 2
The applicant has to file the application under the head of the conventional country available in the form TM-A. The application is known as a primary application which is then examined and sent to WIPO.
Step 3
IB WIPO will then conduct a formal examination of your international application. Once the examination process complete and WIPO finds no discrepancy in the application, they will publish it in the journal. You will receive a certificate for International registration.
Step 4
The designated countries will take up to 12- 18 months to examine the application as per their regional legislation. WIPO will then record their decision and inform you about the same.
The international trademark application is charged cost at different stages and for various aspects of the application.
653 Swiss Francs
903 Swiss Francs
I.P office of Least Developed Country
65 Swiss Francs
90 Swiss Francs
Note: The cost of the trademark application increases with the no. of classes and the designated countries. Trademark office for handling international application.
For Instance, if you file for international protection of mark taking India as the office of Origin in any two countries for one class, the following cost will be incurred :
The validity of your mark is up to 10 years after which the application can be renewed further for 10 years. The renewal of the mark can be directly filed with WIPO for the designated country.