You can submit your trademark application online through the IP India website, or you can get in-touch with's representatives to get your trademark registration filed. Once your application is submitted, it goes through several stages.
When the Trademark Officer accepts your trademark application, you can use the ( ™ ) symbol against your trademarks. You can check the status of your application online as well. Once your application is accepted without any objections and oppositions, and your mark is registered, you can use the ( ® ) symbol.
Having said that, there are several ways by which you can type both these symbols on your Windows and Mac keyboards using simple codes and shortcuts.
Make sure that the ‘Numlock’ is on your Keypad and type the following codes on your windows application. You can use these codes on Notepad, WordPad, Search Engines and Adobe Applications, to name a few.
Open the Mac application that you want to use these symbols in and type the following codes.
Open your windows office documents and type the following codes using your keypad.
You can also easily find these symbols on the web, and after that, it’s just about copying and pasting it where you would want to.
It’s effortless to insert these symbols through your iPhone / iPad’s keyboards.
Remember that trademark registration is only valid for 10 years. You need to renew your trademark registration to continue using the ( ® ) symbol against your trademarks. Failing which another brand would be free to apply for the registration of the same and you would no longer be able to use ® against your mark.