Once you have finalised your desired trademark, you need to ensure that no one else is using the same or similar mark, before you proceed for trademark registration. This can be done by conducting a trademark search.
Many businesses hire special law firms to conduct a search through various public trademark data available in the IPIndia’s database.
This can prove to be expensive, especially if you want multiple searches done, as you would be charged for each search.
We offer Best-in-Class Trademark Search Results for Free!
At, QuickCompany.in, we believe that every business should have an opportunity to conduct a search for their potential brand and products marks, without having to spend thousands.
We have developed a smart algorithm that allows for a full trademark search that gives Similar, Exact & Phonetic matches in all 45 Classes.
This makes our Trademark reports more reliable, with almost no room for human error. As an added advantage, our reports are instant, helping you make brand decisions faster!
India’s best trademark search engine – Used by thousands of businesses!
All the hard work is done by us, all you need to enter is the mark you want to search for in the space provided and hit GO!
Our trained search algorithm gives 99.9% accurate search results, after analysing thousands if records found in the IPIndia’s database.
Our search finds trademarks that are:
We have come up with India’s first Trademark Image Search tool. It allows you to search for visually similar marks and other image-based brand assets amongst the thousands of images available in the IPIndia’s database.
This image-search functionality adds an important aspect of your trademark search, making it a complete and comprehensive trademark search.