1 | Additional Representation Sheet | 25 Mar 1980 |
2 | Power of Attorney | 28 Apr 2000 |
3 | TM-1 | 28 Apr 2000 |
4 | TM-12 | 19 Mar 2010 |
1 | O3 NOTICE | 9591276 | 4726509 | 17 Jan 2020 |
Trademark was applied on 28 April 2000 with IP India.
Proprietor of Aa [label] is FAZE THREE.
Class(es) in which the trademark was applied to is 24.
Status of Aa [label] is Registered.
Application number alloted to the trademark is 921461.
V. G. Parulkar is the Trademark agent/attorney.
Trademark has been filed in the following category: