Trademark Information

Application ID
Date of Application
31 December 1997
396, Shaniwar Peth, Near Ahilyadewi High School, Pune 411 030.
R.K. Dewan & Co.[527]
Podar Chambers, S.A. Brelvi Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 001.
State Not Specified
Filing Mode
Branch Office
IP Office
Used Since
Valid / Upto
31 December 2007
[Class : 29] Milk And Dairy Products Included In Class 29, Ghee, Paneer, Cream Goods Included In Class 29, Dried Milk Powder, Fruit Juice Concentrates For Making Jams, Milk Beverages, Soyabeans Preserved For Food, Yogurts And Ice Cream, Meat, Fish, Poultry And Game, Canned, Tinned, Preserved, Dried And Cooked Fruits Vegetables And Food Products, Soups, Jellies, Jams, Eggs, Edible Oils And Fats, Preserves, Pickles, Fruit Pulp; Tinned Fruits In Syrup

Image (DEVICE)

The Smile Stone Device mark 784363 Trademark

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the trademark's application date?

Trademark was applied on 31 December 1997 with IP India.

Who applied for the trademark?

Proprietor of The smile stone is PRASANNA TERMITELS.

What is the class of the trademark application?

Class(es) in which the trademark was applied to is 29.

On what stage is the trademark application?

Status of The smile stone is Removed.

What is the application number allotted to trademark?

Application number alloted to the trademark is 784363.

What is the name of trademark attorney for The smile stone?

R.K. Dewan & Co is the Trademark agent/attorney.

In which category has the Trademark been filed/registered?

Trademark has been filed in the following category: