Puthran & Associates[13400]
B 3, Kesavan Orchid (3 Rd Floor), 5/7, North Mada St., Sri Nagar Colony, Saidapet, Chennai 600015.
[Class : 2] Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers; Preservatives Against Rust And Agaist Deterioration Of Wood Colouring Matters, Dyestuffs; Mordants; Natural Resins; Metals In Foil And Powder Form For Painters And Decorators
PR Details
Madras Cements Limited, Auras Corporate Centre, 5 Th Floor, 98 A, Dr. Radhkrishnan Road, Mylapore, Chennai 600 004., Manufacturers And Merchants, (Body Incorporate)
Registration Renewed For A Period Of 10 Years From 17/11/2007 14:45:30 Advertised In Journal No. 1807
Pursuant To A Request On Form Tm P Dated 01/07/2017 And Order Thereon Dated 28/07/2017 Registered Proprietor's Name/Trading Style Is Altered To The Ramco Cements Limited.
Pursuant To A Request On Form Tm P Dated 01/07/2017 And Order Thereon Dated 28/07/2017 The Address For Service Is Altered To Puthran & Associates, B 3, Kesavan Orchid (3 Rd Floor), 5/7, North Mada Streeet, Sri Nagar Colony, Saidapet, Chennai 600 015.
Registration Renewed For A Period Of 10 Years From 17/11/2017 Advertised In Journal No. 1818