1 | Examination Report | 05 May 1997 |
2 | Note Sheet | 05 May 1997 |
2 | TM-1 | 05 May 1997 |
3 | Other Documents | 05 May 1997 |
3 | TM-1 | 05 May 1997 |
4 | Note Sheet | 05 May 1997 |
4 | Other Documents | 05 May 1997 |
Trademark was applied on 16 July 1997 with IP India.
Proprietor of Rinikind is DR. WILLMAR SCHWABE INDIA.
Class(es) in which the trademark was applied to is 5.
Status of Rinikind is Abandoned.
Application number alloted to the trademark is 764319.
Remfry & Sagar is the Trademark agent/attorney.
Trademark has been filed in the following category: