Trademark Information

Application ID
Date of Application
31 August 1995
396, Shaniwar Peth, Near Ahilyadevi High School, Pune 411 030.
State Not Specified
Filing Mode
Branch Office
IP Office
Used Since
Valid / Upto
31 August 2005
[Class : 19] Buildings, Terminus, Sheds, Structures, Bus Stands, Kiosks, Building Materials, Natural And Artificial Stone, Cement, Lime, Mortar, Plaster And Gravel, Pipes Of Earthenware Or Cement, Portable Buildings, Stone Monuments, Stalls Included In Class 19.

Image (DEVICE)

Prasanna Termitels Ltd. (device) Device mark 678527 Trademark

Uploaded Documents

1 TM-1 31 Aug 1995

Frequently Asked Questions

When was the trademark applied?

The application for Prasanna termitels ltd. (device) was made on 31 August 1995.

Who is the applicant for Prasanna termitels ltd. (device)?

The trademark applicant for Prasanna termitels ltd. (device) is PRASANNA TERMITELS.

In what class is the trademark applied to?

Prasanna termitels ltd. (device) is applied in class(es) 19.

What is the status of the trademark application?

Application for Prasanna termitels ltd. (device) is on Removed stage.

What is the application ID of the trademark?

Application Id allotted to Prasanna termitels ltd. (device) is 678527.

What is the type of trademark application?

Prasanna termitels ltd. (device) filed with the Intellectual property office as a DEVICE.