Updated about 1 month

Vivaan Lifestyle


Trademark Information

Application ID 6544767
Status Send To Vienna Codification
Date of Application 26 July 2024
Class(es) 27
Type Device
Registration State West Bengal
Country India
Details [CLASS : 27] Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings (non-textile), wall-to-wall carpets, area rugs, carpet tiles, oriental rugs, decorative rugs, bathroom rugs, kitchen rugs door mats, floor mats (for indoor use), yoga mats, anti-fatigue mats

Image (DEVICE)

Vivaan Lifestyle Device mark 6544767 Trademark


Vivaan Lifestyle Private Limited


Nikhil Israni

Uploaded Documents


Frequently Asked Questions

Date on which the trademark application was filed with TMO?

Vivaan lifestyle was applied on 26 July 2024.

Who is the trademark proprietor?

Trademark application was filed by Vivaan Lifestyle Private Limited.

Trademark application is filed under which trademark class?

Trademark application has been filed under following classes.

Trademark application is at what stage of trademark process?

As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage:
Send To Vienna Codification.

What is the Listed Application ID of the Trademark?

Listed application Id of Vivaan lifestyle is 6544767.

Who filed the trademark on behalf of the proprietor?

Trademark attorney of the Vivaan lifestyle is Nikhil Israni.

Is the Trademark word, color or device mark?

Vivaan lifestyle is a DEVICE as per IP India data.