1 | TM-1 | 22 Oct 2014 |
2 | Order | 03 Jul 2018 |
1 | Order Form of 21(2) | 6479833 | 07 Jun 2018 | |
2 | Order Form of 21(2) | 6479835 | 07 Jun 2018 |
Trademark was applied on 21 October 1995 with IP India.
Proprietor of K o h i no o r is KOHINOOR PAINTS FARIDABAD.
Class(es) in which the trademark was applied to is 2.
Status of K o h i no o r is Abandoned.
Application number alloted to the trademark is 644014.
Ashoka Trade Marks Co is the Trademark agent/attorney.
Trademark has been filed in the following category: