Livnatural (logo)

Yha India Pvt. Ltd

Trademark Information

Application ID 6114436
Status Registered
Date of Application 18 September 2023
Valid / Renewed Upto 18 September 2033
Class(es) 11
Proprietor (1) Yha India Pvt. Ltd.Body Incorporate
Proprietor Address Flat No. B 2301/2302, Monte Rosa, Hingne, Sinhagad Road, Pune – 411051.
Attorney Shetye Sheetal Sumeet[35705]
Attorney Address C 339, Antop Hill Ware Housing Co. Limited, V.I.T.College Road, Wadala (East), Mumbai 400037.
Type Device
Registration State Maharashtra
Country India
Published Journal 2144
Filing Mode e-Filing
Used Since Proposed to be used
IP Office Mumbai
[CLASS : 11] Water purifiers, Water coolers, Water filters, Water dispensers, Water heaters, Water treatment apparatus for water purification, Membranes for reverse osmosis units, Membranes for the filtration of water, Water treatment apparatus for water purification, Cartridge filtration units [water treatment equipment], Water Filtration apparatus, Water filtration installations, Water Filtration jugs, Water ionizers, Apparatus and installations for lighting, heating apparatus, cooling apparatus, steam generating apparatus, cooking apparatus, drying apparatus, ventilating apparatus, water supply apparatus and Apparatus for sanitary purposes.
PR Details
YHA INDIA PVT. LTD., Flat No. B - 2301/2302, Monte Rosa, Hingne, Sinhagad Road, Pune – 411051., Body Incorporate Including Pvt Ltd Company., (Body Incorporate)

Image (DEVICE)

Livnatural (logo) Device mark 6114436 Trademark


Yha India Pvt. Ltd

Uploaded Documents

2 Reply to Exam Report (MIS-R) 18 Dec 2023
3 Journal Copy 19 Jun 2024
4 Certificate 07 Jul 2024

Correspondence and Notices

1 EXAMINATION REPORT 16636247   25 Nov 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

Date on which the trademark application was filed with TMO?

Livnatural (logo) was applied on 18 September 2023.

Who is the trademark proprietor?

Trademark application was filed by Yha India Pvt. Ltd.

Trademark application is filed under which trademark class?

Trademark application has been filed under following classes.

Trademark application is at what stage of trademark process?

As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage:

What is the Listed Application ID of the Trademark?

Listed application Id of Livnatural (logo) is 6114436.

Who filed the trademark on behalf of the proprietor?

Trademark attorney of the Livnatural (logo) is Shetye Sheetal Sumeet.

Is the Trademark word, color or device mark?

Livnatural (logo) is a DEVICE as per IP India data.


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