1 | Additional Representation Sheet | 20 Apr 1993 |
1 | Certificate | 20 Apr 1993 |
2 | Certificate | 20 Apr 1993 |
2 | Note Sheet | 20 Apr 1993 |
3 | Other Documents | 20 Apr 1993 |
4 | TM-1 | 20 Apr 1993 |
4 | TM-16 | 20 Apr 1993 |
5 | Additional Representation Sheet | 20 Apr 1993 |
5 | Note Sheet | 20 Apr 1993 |
6 | TM-1 | 20 Apr 1993 |
6 | TM-16 | 20 Apr 1993 |
7 | TM-50 | 21 Mar 2014 |
8 | TM-R(RESTORATION OF MARK) | 12 Feb 2018 |
1 | O3 NOTICE | 4410682 | 11 Jan 2017 | |
2 | RENEWAL INTIMATION LETTER | 5908288 | 16 Feb 2018 |
Trademark was applied on 20 April 1993 with IP India.
Proprietor of Welcure drugs & phamaceueuticals ltd. is WELCURE DRUGS PHARMACEUTICALS.
Class(es) in which the trademark was applied to is 5.
Status of Welcure drugs & phamaceueuticals ltd. is Registered.
Application number alloted to the trademark is 595091.
D K Lalwani & Co is the Trademark agent/attorney.
Trademark has been filed in the following category: