Trademark Information

Application ID
Date of Application
27 November 1992
24,, Bruce Street, Fort, Mumbai 400 001
Anand And Anand.[295]
57/58, Rajgir Chambers, S.B.S. Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 023.
Filing Mode
Branch Office
IP Office
Used Since
Valid / Upto
27 November 1999
[Class : 32] Soft Drink Concentrates, Food Flavours, Puddings, Jelly Crystals, Custards, Soups, Beer, Ale And Porter Mineral And Aerated Waters And Other Non Alcoholic Drinks, Syrups And Other Preparations For Making Bev Erages, All Being Goods Incldued In Class 32.

Uploaded Documents

1 Power of Attorney 27 Nov 1992
2 TM-1 27 Nov 1992
3 Additional Representation Sheet 10 Dec 2007

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the application date as per IP India website?

As per IP India data the trademark was applied on 27 November 1992.

Who has filed the trademark application with the TMO?

TATA SONS applied for Tata.

What is the listed class of the Tata with IP India?

Listed class of trademark Tata is 32.

As per IP india what is the stage of trademark application?

Tata is on the Registered stage of the trademark process.

What is the Serial number provided by the trademark data?

Serial Number provided to trademark application is 585734

Who filed the trademark on behalf of the proprietor?

Trademark application was filed by the following attorney agent:
Anand And Anand

How is the Tata categorized?

The trademark is categorized as DEVICE.