[Class : 5] Pharmaceutical, Phytopharmaceuticals Andmedicinal Preparations, Herbal Medicines; Hygienic &Sanitary Preparations For Medical Purposes; Dieteticfood And Substances Adapted For Medical Uses; Foodfor Babies, Medicated Infant Milk Food And Infantformulae, Formulae For Special Medical Purposesfor Infants, Medicated Complementary Foods Forinfants And Young Children. Dietary Supplements Forhuman Beings, Medicated Formulae For Slimmingpurpose And Weight Reduction; Nutraceuticalpreparations For Therapeutic Or Medical Purposes,Nutritional Supplements, Dietary Supplementsintended To Supplement A Normal Diet Or To Havehealth Benefits; Meal Replacements And Dieteticfoods And Beverages Adapted For Medical Uses,Medicated Food For Special Dietary Uses; Food Forspecial Medical Purposes; Probiotic Food, Prebioticfood, Food Containing Plant Or Botanicalingredients For Medical Purposes, Medicated Dentalpreparations; Plasters, Medicated Patches, Materialsfor Dressings; Materials For Stopping Teeth, Dentalwax; Disinfectants; Preparations For Destroying
Vermin; Fungicides; Herbicides; Medicated Shampoos, Soaps, Lotions, Sprays, Powders; Alcohol Basedantibacterial Preparations; Medicated Cosmetics.