Updated about 1 month

Vistula School Of Hospitality


Trademark Information

Application ID 5334130
Status Protection Granted
Date of Application 16 July 2021
Class(es) 41 , 42 , 43
Type Device
Registration State State Not Specified
Country European Union
Published Journal 2042
Details [CLASS : 41] Education, entertainment and sport services; training; professional consultancy relating to education; vocational guidance [education or training advice]; education information; arranging of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; arranging and conducting of conferences, congresses and symposiums; arranging and conducting of competitions [education or entertainment]; arranging and conducting of seminars and workshops; arranging and conducting of conventions; arranging and conducting of lectures; organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; organising of shows for educational purposes; arranging of competitions for education or entertainment; sport camp services; arranging and conducting of in-person educational forums; organization of sports competitions; know-how transfer [training]; publication of educational teaching materials; publication of books; publication of magazines; publishing of scientific papers; publication of newspapers, periodicals, catalogs and brochures; publication of instructional literature; publication of printed matter, other than publicity texts; publication of educational and training guides; publication of text books; writing of texts; publishing services; arranging and conducting of training courses; lending library services.[CLASS : 42] Provision of surveys [scientific]; scientific research and analysis; technological consultancy; preparation of scientific reports; product research and development; research and development of new products for others; preparation of technical project analysis studies; provision of scientific information; providing science technology information; scientific and technological research services; advisory services relating to scientific research; technical consultancy services relating to computer programming; computer software design; laboratory services; scientific services.[CLASS : 43] Tourist camp services [accommodation]; holiday camp services [lodging]; resort lodging services; providing temporary accommodation in holiday homes; providing temporary accommodation in holiday flats; providing temporary accommodation in boarding houses; providing accommodation in hotels and motels; provision of meeting rooms for board meetings; provision of conference, exhibition and meeting facilities; providing temporary meeting rooms; rental of conference rooms; hiring of rooms for social functions; room rental for exhibitions; café services; food and drink catering; canteen services.

Image (DEVICE)

Vistula School Of Hospitality Device mark 5334130 Trademark


Vistula Group Of Universities S.A

Uploaded Documents

1 Birth 2022-02-18
2 Journal Copy 2022-05-25

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the trademark's application date?

Trademark was applied on 16 July 2021 with IP India.

Who applied for the trademark?

Proprietor of Vistula school of hospitality is Vistula Group Of Universities S.A.

What is the class of the trademark application?

Class(es) in which the trademark was applied to is "41", "42", "43".

On what stage is the trademark application?

Status of Vistula school of hospitality is Protection Granted.

What is the application number allotted to trademark?

Application number alloted to the trademark is 5334130.

In which category has the Trademark been filed/registered?

Trademark has been filed in the following category: