Updated 4 days

Closet In The Cloud


Trademark Information

Application ID 5241587
Status Registered
Date of Application 10 December 2021
Class(es) 35 , 45
Type Word
Registration State Uttar Pradesh
Country United States of America
Published Journal 0
Details [CLASS : 35] On-line retail store services featuring apparel, fashion accessories, namely, clothing accessories, jewelry, handbags, belts, wraps, bags in the nature of belt bags, bucket bags, cross body bags, duffel bags, shoulder bags, purses, clutches, tote bags, saddle bags, hobo bags, backpacks, satchel bags, sunglasses, bridal accessories, namely, bridal jewelry, bridal bags and clutches, bridal belts, and home goods, namely, bed linens, duvet covers, coverlets, bed blankets, comforters, quilts, pillow cases, pillow shams, and pillows; Retail store services featuring apparel, fashion accessories, namely, clothing accessories, jewelry, handbags, belts, wraps, bags in the nature of belt bags, bucket bags, cross body bags, duffel bags, shoulder bags, purses, clutches, tote bags, saddle bags, hobo bags, backpacks, satchel bags, sunglasses, bridal accessories, namely, bridal jewelry, bridal bags and clutches, bridal belts and home goods, namely, bed linens, duvet covers, coverlets, bed blankets, comforters, quilts;, pillow cases, pillow shams, and pillows[CLASS : 45] Rental of apparel, fashion accessories, namely, clothing accessories, jewelry, handbags, belts, wraps, bags in the nature of belt bags, bucket bags, cross body bags, duffel bags, shoulder bags, purses, clutches, tote bags, saddle bags, hobo bags, backpacks, satchel bags, sunglasses, bridal accessories, namely, bridal jewelry, bridal bags and clutches, bridal belts and home goods, namely, bed linens, duvet covers, coverlets, bed blankets, comforters, quilts, pillow cases, pillow shams, and pillows; Online rental of apparel, fashion accessories, namely, clothing accessories, jewelry, handbags, belts, wraps, bags in the nature of belt bags, bucket bags, cross body bags, duffel bags, shoulder bags, purses, clutches, tote bags, saddle bags, hobo bags, backpacks, satchel bags, sunglasses, bridal accessories, namely, bridal jewelry, bridal bags and clutches, bridal belts and home goods, namely, bed linens, duvet covers, coverlets, bed blankets, comforters, quilts, pillow cases, pillow shams, and pillows

Image (WORD)

Closet In The Cloud Device mark 5241587 Trademark


Rent The Runway, Inc


Fidus Law Chambers


Examination Report 2021-12-10

Uploaded Documents

3 Journal Copy 2022-04-01
4 Certificate 2022-07-04

Frequently Asked Questions

When was the trademark applied?

The application for Closet in the cloud was made on 10 December 2021.

Who is the applicant for Closet in the cloud?

The trademark applicant for Closet in the cloud is Rent The Runway, Inc.

In what class is the trademark applied to?

Closet in the cloud is applied in class(es) 35, 45.

What is the status of the trademark application?

Application for Closet in the cloud is on Registered stage.

What is the application ID of the trademark?

Application Id allotted to Closet in the cloud is 5241587.

Who is the trademark agent or attorney?

Trademark agent or attorney for the application is Fidus Law Chambers.

What is the type of trademark application?

Closet in the cloud filed with the Intellectual property office as a WORD.