Updated 9 days



Trademark Information

Application ID 5209171
Status Objected
Date of Application 24 August 2021
Class(es) 20 , 24
Type Device
Registration State State Not Specified
Country United Kingdom
Published Journal 0
Details [CLASS : 20] Mattresses; seat cushions; pillows; cushions; bed frames; bed bases; mattress toppers; seating cushions; sofas; sleeper sofas; headboards; parts, fittings and accessories for all these goods.[CLASS : 24] Textiles; mattress covers; mattress protectors; mattress slips; linens; bed linen; bed sheets; pillowcases; cushion covers; fitted bed sheets; flat bed sheets; crib sheets; comforters; blankets; throws; weighted blankets; towels; quilts; duvets; parts, fittings and accessories for all these goods.

Image (DEVICE)

Cloud Device mark 5209171 Trademark


Dan Foam Ap S

Uploaded Documents

1 Birth 2021-11-13
2 Reply to Exam Report (MIS-R) 2022-01-20

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the trademark's application date?

Trademark was applied on 24 August 2021 with IP India.

Who applied for the trademark?

Proprietor of Cloud is Dan Foam Ap S.

What is the class of the trademark application?

Class(es) in which the trademark was applied to is 20, 24.

On what stage is the trademark application?

Status of Cloud is Objected.

What is the application number allotted to trademark?

Application number alloted to the trademark is 5209171.

In which category has the Trademark been filed/registered?

Trademark has been filed in the following category: