Updated 9 days

Acrux Cloud


Trademark Information

Application ID 4902425
Status Registered
Date of Application 12 March 2021
Class(es) 42
Type Word
Registration State Delhi
Country India
Published Journal 1994
Details [CLASS : 42] Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; Industrial analysis, industrial research and industrial design services; Design and development of computer hardware and software;

Image (WORD)

Acrux Cloud Device mark 4902425 Trademark


Aditya Raj Single Firm


Newton Reginald


Examination Report 2021-03-12

Uploaded Documents

2 Journal Copy 2021-04-09
3 Certificate 2021-08-18

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the application date as per IP India website?

As per IP India data the trademark was applied on 12 March 2021.

Who has filed the trademark application with the TMO?

Aditya Raj Single Firm applied for Acrux cloud.

What is the listed class of the Acrux cloud with IP India?

Listed class of trademark Acrux cloud is 42.

As per IP india what is the stage of trademark application?

Acrux cloud is on the Registered stage of the trademark process.

What is the Serial number provided by the trademark data?

Serial Number provided to trademark application is 4902425

Who filed the trademark on behalf of the proprietor?

Trademark application was filed by the following attorney agent:
Newton Reginald

How is the Acrux cloud categorized?

The trademark is categorized as WORD.