Nmk Newmarket Kolkata

Sachin Gupta Single Firm

Trademark Information

Application ID 4539933
Status Refused
Date of Application 22 June 2020
Class(es) 35
Proprietor (1) Sachin Gupta Single Firm
Proprietor Address Rabindra Nagar Housing Complex, 88,College Road,Flat No E 307/308,Howrah 711103.West Bengal.
Attorney Newton Reginald[25853]
Attorney Address No 6, Dhanammal Street Spurtank Road Chetpet Chennai 600031
Type Device
Registration State West Bengal
Country India
Filing Mode e-Filing
Used Since Proposed to be used
IP Office Kolkata
[CLASS : 35] Provision of information and advisory services relating to e-commerce; Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; Retail services featuring a wide variety of consumer goods; Online marketing services; Online ordering services; Marketing the goods and services of others

Image (DEVICE)

Nmk Newmarket Kolkata Device mark 4539933 Trademark


Sachin Gupta Single Firm


Examination Report 22 Jun 2020

Uploaded Documents

2 Reply to Exam Report (MIS-R) 07 Aug 2020
3 Documents in support of Show cause Hearing (SCH) 16 Nov 2021
4 Authorization Letter 23 Nov 2021
5 Authorization Letter 24 Nov 2021
6 Authorization Letter 31 Jan 2022
7 Authorization Letter 10 Aug 2022
8 Documents in support of Show cause Hearing (SCH) 24 Jan 2023
9 Authorization Letter 31 Jan 2023

Correspondence and Notices

1 EXAMINATION REPORT 10233180   03 Aug 2020
2 Hearing Notice (Show Cause) 12256466   04 Oct 2021
3 Hearing Notice (Show Cause) 12570515   02 Dec 2021
4 Hearing Notice (Show Cause) 13705248   27 Jun 2022
5 Hearing Notice (Show Cause) 14555724   28 Dec 2022
6 Tribunal Refused Notice for : 4539933 14722843 5846216 31 Jan 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

When was the trademark applied?

The application for Nmk newmarket kolkata was made on 22 June 2020.

Who is the applicant for Nmk newmarket kolkata?

The trademark applicant for Nmk newmarket kolkata is Sachin Gupta Single Firm.

In what class is the trademark applied to?

Nmk newmarket kolkata is applied in class(es) 35.

What is the status of the trademark application?

Application for Nmk newmarket kolkata is on Refused stage.

What is the application ID of the trademark?

Application Id allotted to Nmk newmarket kolkata is 4539933.

Who is the trademark agent or attorney?

Trademark agent or attorney for the application is Newton Reginald.

What is the type of trademark application?

Nmk newmarket kolkata filed with the Intellectual property office as a DEVICE.