[Class : 10] Surgical And Medical Apparatus And Instruments; Devices, Syringes And Needles For Injections And Medical Purposes; Apparatus And Instruments For Diagnostic Purposes; Apparatus And Instruments For Use With Diagnosing, Managing, Surveying, Assessing, Controlling And Examining Psychological And Neurological Disorders And Diseases, Dementia, Alzheimer's Disorder And Disease, Dizziness, Seizures, Stroke, Depression, Cognitive Impairment, Cognitive Disorders And Diseases, Mood Disorders, Psychosis, Anxiety, Apathy, Epilepsy, Lennox Gastaut Syndrome (Lgs), Sclerosis, Porphyria, Huntington's Disorder And Disease, Insomnia, Parkinson's Disorder And Disease, Falls, Movement Disorders And Diseases, Dyskinesia, Poor Or Absent Motor Functions, Tremor, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder And Disease, Mania, Adhd, Ptsd, Agitation, Aggression, Autism, Melancholy, Ocd, Tourette's Syndrome, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (Psp), Restlessness, Akathisia, Fatigue, Somnolence, Nausea, Cancer, Migraine, Pain, Alcoholism And Dependency; Integrated Medical Systems For Use With Computer Software Containing Medical Instruments And Software For Information And Information Management For Use Of A Web Based Physical And Psychological And Neurological Examination And Assessment Of Patients And Clients; Integrated Medical Systems For Managing, Measuring, Surveying, Assessing, Controlling, Collecting, Storing, Transmitting And Examining Patient And Client Data And Information Picked Up By The Medical System; Medical Instruments For Information, Guidance, Managing And Dealing With Medicines.