[Class : 7] Machines, In Particlular Rotating Andstatic Electric Machines, Pneumatic, Hyeraulic, Thermal And Nuclear Machines, Numerically Controlled Machines, Machines For Handling Nuclear Fuel And Radicative Substances, Machines For Treating Plastics Materials For The Paper Making Industry; Machines Tools In Paticularo For Welding Solodering, Heating, Brazing, Sawing, Planning, Shearing, Drawing, Rolling, Cablemaking, Shaping And Assembly, Lathes, Hoisting And Hoists, Winchies, Caranes, Jacks, Pumps, Vacuum Machines And Pparatus, Motor Othe Rthan For Machines An Dpparatus, Motors Other Than For Land Vechiles Spare Parts Included In Class 7 For Said Machines.