Trademark Information

Application ID
Date of Application
23 October 2017
U 322, 1/1 Raheja Arcade, Koramangala, Bangalore – 560095, Karnataka, India
Sudeshna Banerjee[21065]
K&S Partners, 4121/B, 6th Cross, 19 "A" Main, Hal Ii Stage (Ext.), Bangalore 560038, Karnataka, India
Filing Mode
IP Office
Used Since
Valid / Upto
23 October 2027
[Class : 29] Nut Based Snack Foods; Seed Based Snack Foods; Snack Mix Consisting Of Processed Seeds, Fruit And Nuts; Nut Based Snacks Bar Featuring A Chocolate Coating; Snack Mix Consisting Of Dehydrated Fruit And Processed Nuts; Blanched Nuts; Candied Nuts; Flavoured Nuts; Roasted Nuts; Processed Fruits, Fungi And Vegetables; Nut Based Snack Bars.[Class : 30] Multigrain Based Snack Foods; Coffee Based Snack Foods; Corn Based Snack Foods; Wheat Based Snack Foods; Grain Based Snack Foods; Chocolate Based Snack Foods; Flavourings And Seasonings For Snack Foods; Snack Bars Containing A Mixture Of Grains, Nuts And Dried Fruits.


Examination Report

Uploaded Documents

1 TM-A(MULTICLASS) 23 Oct 2017
2 Journal Copy 27 Feb 2018
3 Certificate 07 Apr 2018

Frequently Asked Questions

Date on which the trademark application was filed with TMO?

Health on the go was applied on 23 October 2017.

Who is the trademark proprietor?

Trademark application was filed by GETKRRACKIN.

Trademark application is filed under which trademark class?

Trademark application has been filed under following classes.
29, 30

Trademark application is at what stage of trademark process?

As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage:

What is the Listed Application ID of the Trademark?

Listed application Id of Health on the go is 3661373.

Who filed the trademark on behalf of the proprietor?

Trademark attorney of the Health on the go is Sudeshna Banerjee.

Is the Trademark word, color or device mark?

Health on the go is a WORD as per IP India data.