Lex Mantis[10692]
D 4, B Wing, 4th Floor, Barodawala Mansion, 81, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400018
[Class : 28] Games And Playthings, Playing Cards, Board Games, Conjuring Apparatus, Dolls, Darts, Dumbbells, Dice, Chips For Gambling, Exercisers, Paintball Guns, Jig Saw Puzzles, Mahjong, Dominoes, Roller Skates, Rackets, Punching Bags, Toy Masks, Radio Controlled Toy Vehicles, Puppets, Sail Boards, Toy Scooters, Stuffed Toys, Toy Mobiles
PR Details
Alt Digital Media Entertainment Limited, C 13, Balaji House, Dalia Industrial Estate, New Link Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai 400053, A Company Incorporated Under The Companies Act,1956, Manufacturer, Merchant And Service Provider, (Body Incorporate)