Examination Report |
1 | Power of Attorney | 18 Jun 2016 |
2 | TM-1 | 18 Jun 2016 |
3 | Other Documents | 18 Jun 2016 |
4 | Journal Copy | 31 Oct 2016 |
5 | Certificate | 30 Mar 2017 |
Robica coffee cafe and bistro with logo was applied on 18 June 2016.
Trademark application was filed by NAVKANJ COFFEE AND PLANTATION.
Trademark application has been filed under following classes.
As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage:
Listed application Id of Robica coffee cafe and bistro with logo is 3287854.
Trademark attorney of the Robica coffee cafe and bistro with logo is Makhija & Associates.
Robica coffee cafe and bistro with logo is a DEVICE as per IP India data.