Examination Report |
1 | General Power of Attorney | 09 Sep 2015 |
2 | TM-1 | 09 Sep 2015 |
3 | Additional Representation Sheet | 09 Sep 2015 |
4 | Journal Copy | 15 Aug 2016 |
5 | Certificate | 06 Jan 2017 |
Winkies the cake specialist, device of face of human caricature was applied on 09 September 2015.
Trademark application was filed by DREAM BAKE.
Trademark application has been filed under following classes.
As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage:
Listed application Id of Winkies the cake specialist, device of face of human caricature is 3051307.
Trademark attorney of the Winkies the cake specialist, device of face of human caricature is C. J. Associates.
Winkies the cake specialist, device of face of human caricature is a DEVICE as per IP India data.