Updated 5 months

Nutraceutical Sciences Institute


Trademark Information

Application ID 3029748
Status Refused
Date of Application 11 August 2015
Class(es) 5
Type Word
Registration State Gujarat
Country United States of America
Details [CLASS : 5] vitamins and dietary supplements


Cowboy Nsi, Llc Trading As : Cowboy Nsi, Llc


Parker & Parker Co. Llp


Examination Report 2016-03-02

Uploaded Documents

1 Power of Attorney 2015-08-11
2 TM-2 2015-08-11
3 Priority Document 2015-10-19
4 General Power of Attorney 2015-11-03
5 Reply to Exam Report (MIS-R) 2016-05-30
6 Authorization Letter 2019-02-14
7 Documents in support of Show cause Hearing (SCH) 2019-02-18

Correspondence and Notices

1 Hearing Notice (Show Cause) 6764580 3090379 06/08/2018
2 Hearing Notice (Adjourned) 7335853 3562452 10/12/2018
3 Hearing Notice (Adjourned) 8271001 4090891 27/05/2019
4 Tribunal Refused Notice For : 3029748 8569714 4233637 10/07/2019

Frequently Asked Questions

When was the trademark applied?

The application for Nutraceutical sciences institute was made on 11 August 2015.

Who is the applicant for Nutraceutical sciences institute?

The trademark applicant for Nutraceutical sciences institute is Cowboy Nsi, Llc Trading As : Cowboy Nsi, Llc.

In what class is the trademark applied to?

Nutraceutical sciences institute is applied in class(es) 5.

What is the status of the trademark application?

Application for Nutraceutical sciences institute is on Refused stage.

What is the application ID of the trademark?

Application Id allotted to Nutraceutical sciences institute is 3029748.

Who is the trademark agent or attorney?

Trademark agent or attorney for the application is Parker & Parker Co. Llp.

What is the type of trademark application?

Nutraceutical sciences institute filed with the Intellectual property office as a WORD.