Examination Report |
1 | Power of Attorney | 21 Oct 2012 |
1 | Dispatching of Examination Report for : 2415413 | 2795650 | 1410977 | 14 Jan 2016 |
2 | Abandoned Order for Application No 2415413 | 3343209 | 1718517 | 31 Mar 2016 |
Shopping unplugged was applied on 21 October 2012.
Trademark application was filed by VAKRATUND FOODKART INDIA.
Trademark application has been filed under following classes.
As per IP India, trademark application is on the following stage:
Listed application Id of Shopping unplugged is 2415413.
Trademark attorney of the Shopping unplugged is Nadar Vennila.
Shopping unplugged is a WORD as per IP India data.