Bio Care Plus

Mayank D. Vasa Trading As : Vasa Global Company Partnership Firm

Trademark Information

Application ID 2249268
Status Abandoned
Date of Application 14 December 2011
Class(es) 3
Proprietor (1) Mayank D. Vasa Trading As : Vasa Global Company Partnership Firm
Proprietor Address 106, Nain Krupa,118/122, Kazi Sayed Street, Mumbai 400 003.
Agent M. P. Mirchandani & Co.[356]
Agent Address Ram Mansion, Ist Floor, Room No.4, N.F. Road, Near City Walk, Colaba, Mumbai 400 001.
Type Device
Registration State Maharashtra
Country India
Filing Mode Branch Office
Used Since Proposed to be used
IP Office Mumbai

Image (DEVICE)

Bio Care Plus Device mark 2249268 Trademark


Mayank D. Vasa Trading As : Vasa Global Company Partnership Firm

Uploaded Documents

1 TM-16 01 Mar 2013
2 TM-1

Correspondence and Notices

1 Dispatching of Examination Report for : 2249268 2000215 1116928 09 Apr 2015
2 Abandoned Order for Application No 2249268 3235255 1617303 29 Mar 2016

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the trademark's application date?

Trademark was applied on 14 December 2011 with IP India.

Who applied for the trademark?

Proprietor of Bio care plus is Mayank D. Vasa Trading As : Vasa Global Company Partnership Firm.

What is the class of the trademark application?

Class(es) in which the trademark was applied to is 3.

On what stage is the trademark application?

Status of Bio care plus is Abandoned.

What is the application number allotted to trademark?

Application number alloted to the trademark is 2249268.

What is the name of trademark attorney for Bio care plus?

M. P. Mirchandani & Co is the Trademark agent/attorney.

In which category has the Trademark been filed/registered?

Trademark has been filed in the following category:


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