Sy. No. 257 And 258/1, Door No. 11 6 56, C Block, Opp. Idpl Factory, Moosapet (Village), Balanagar (Post), Hyderabad 500037, A. P., India.
Vatsala Singh Hasan[32081]
Hasan And Singh,Flat No.04, Sree Nilayam Apartment, Plot No.12, Camelot Layout(near Chirec Public School), Kondapur, Hyderabad 500084.
[Class : 5] Pharmaceutical Preparations, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Pharmaceutical Intermediates, Pharmaceutical Formulations, Synthetic Pharmaceutical Preparations, Herbal And Natural Pharmaceutical Preparations And All Kind Of Pharmaceutical Products And Preparations Included In Class 5
PR Details
Lee Pharma Limited, Sy. No. 257 And 258/1, Door No. 11 6 56, C Block, Opp. Idpl Factory, Moosapet (Village), Balanagar (Post), Hyderabad 500037, A. P., India., A Company Duly Organized And Existing Under The Indian Companies Act, 1956, Trading As : Lee Pharma Limited, Research And Development, Production, Distribution, Sales, Marketing And Export Of Pharmaceutical Products, Pharmaceutical Formulations, Intermediates And Ap Is, (Body Incorporate)
Pursuant To A Request On Form Tm P Dated 03/11/2021 And Order Thereon Dated 05/11/2021 The Address For Service Is Altered To Vatsala Singh Hasan , Hasan And Singh,Flat No.04, Sree Nilayam Apartment, Plot No.12, Camelot Layout(near Chirec Public School), Kondapur, Hyderabad 500084. ,Vatsala@Hasanandsingh.Com
Registration Renewed For A Period Of 10 Years From 05/11/2021 Advertised In Journal No. 2026