Trademark Information

Application ID
Date of Application
03 February 2009
608, Powai Plaza, Hiranandani Business Park, Powai, Mumbai 400076
Rajani Associates, Advocates And Solicitors[981]
204 207, Krishna Chambers 59, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400 020.
Filing Mode
Branch Office
IP Office
Used Since
15 August 2006
Valid / Upto
03 February 2019
[Class : 5] Medicinal, Pharmaceuticals, Ayurvedic Preparations, Veterinary And Sanitary Substances, Medicated Lotions, Air Fresheners, Medicated Shampoos And Grooming Aids, Insecticides, Insecticides Sprays And Powder, Deodorants, Insecticide Collars And Tags, Insect Repellents And Animal Repellents, Disinfectants, Medicated Breath Sweeteners, Vitamin Preparations, Dietetic Preparations, Food Additives And Supplements, Training Aids Included In This Class, House Training Aids Including Animal Gnawing Prevention Preparations, Fungicides, Pesticides Being Goods Included In Class 05.

Image (DEVICE)

Mbipl ( Label ) Device mark 1780912 Trademark


Examination Report

Uploaded Documents

1 Cover To Cover 03 Feb 2009
2 TM-1 03 Feb 2009

Correspondence and Notices

1 O3 NOTICE 7259774 3415759 13 Nov 2018

Frequently Asked Questions

When was the trademark applied?

The application for Mbipl ( label ) was made on 03 February 2009.

Who is the applicant for Mbipl ( label )?

The trademark applicant for Mbipl ( label ) is MISSION BIOFUELS INDIA.

In what class is the trademark applied to?

Mbipl ( label ) is applied in class(es) 5.

What is the status of the trademark application?

Application for Mbipl ( label ) is on Registered stage.

What is the application ID of the trademark?

Application Id allotted to Mbipl ( label ) is 1780912.

Who is the trademark agent or attorney?

Trademark agent or attorney for the application is Rajani Associates, Advocates And Solicitors.

What is the type of trademark application?

Mbipl ( label ) filed with the Intellectual property office as a DEVICE.