Examination Report |
1 | TM-1 | 23 May 2007 |
2 | TM-R(RENEWAL OF TRADE MARK) | 24 Mar 2017 |
1 | O3 NOTICE | 4489702 | 02 Feb 2017 | |
2 | RENEWAL INTIMATION LETTER | 4728980 | 27 Apr 2017 |
Trademark was applied on 23 May 2007 with IP India.
Proprietor of Khidari no. 1 is A.B. Grain Spirits Private Limited.
Class(es) in which the trademark was applied to is 33.
Status of Khidari no. 1 is Registered.
Application number alloted to the trademark is 1561241.
D K Lalwani & Co is the Trademark agent/attorney.
Trademark has been filed in the following category: