1 | Authorization Document (POA) | 16 Oct 2006 |
2 | TM-1 | 20 Nov 2006 |
3 | Examination Report | 07 Jan 2008 |
4 | Journal Copy | 16 May 2008 |
5 | Order | 16 May 2008 |
6 | Certificate | 25 Nov 2008 |
7 | TM-12 | 29 Jul 2016 |
1 | RENEWAL INTIMATION LETTER | 3896744 | 22 Aug 2016 |
Trademark was applied on 20 November 2006 with IP India.
Proprietor of Parisons golden puff (label) is PARISONS FOODS.
Class(es) in which the trademark was applied to is 30.
Status of Parisons golden puff (label) is Registered.
Application number alloted to the trademark is 1505523.
R. Subramoniam is the Trademark agent/attorney.
Trademark has been filed in the following category: