[Class : 23] Yarn For Fabrics, Nylon Yarns, Elastic Yarn For Woven Fabrics, Spandex, Nylon Staple Fibres, Textile And Metallic Yarns And Threads; Semi Synthetic Fibre Yarn And Thread, Synthetic Fibre Thread And Yarn; Synthetic Fibre Yarn For Woven Fabrics, Poly Propylene Yarn, Polyester Yarn, Yarns And Threads For Sewing And Embroidery, Monofilament Invisible Sewing And Embroidery Threads; Polyester Sewing And Embroidery , Monofilament Invisible Sewing And Embroidery Threads; Polyester Sewing And Embroidery Threads; Reyon Embroidery Threads; Cotton Thread And Yarn; Darning Thread And Yarn; Elastic Thread And Yarn; Hemp Thread; Jute Thread And Yarn; Linen Thread And Yarn; Reyon Thread And Yarn; Rubber Thread For Textile Luse; Sewing Thread And Yarn; Embroidery Thread And Yarn; Silk Thread And Yarn; Spun Cotton; Spun Silk; Spun Thread And Yarn; Spun Wool; Thread; Threads Of Plastic Matrerials For Tetile Use; Spun Wool; Woolen Thread And Yarn In Class 23.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Date on which the trademark application was filed with TMO?
Pop-pop was applied on 20 April 2005.
Who is the trademark proprietor?
Trademark application was filed by GTN TEXTILES.
Trademark application is filed under which trademark class?
Trademark application has been filed under classes 23.
Trademark application is at what stage of trademark process?
As per IP India, trademark application status is Registered.
What is the Listed Application ID of the Trademark?
Listed application Id of Pop-pop is 1351885.
Who filed the trademark on behalf of the proprietor?