1 | Additional Representation Sheet | 15 Mar 2004 |
1 | Journal Copy | 15 Mar 2004 |
2 | Certificate | 15 Mar 2004 |
2 | Examination Report | 15 Mar 2004 |
3 | Additional Representation Sheet | 15 Mar 2004 |
3 | Examination Report | 15 Mar 2004 |
4 | Note Sheet | 15 Mar 2004 |
4 | TM-1 | 15 Mar 2004 |
5 | Other Documents | 15 Mar 2004 |
6 | TM-1 | 15 Mar 2004 |
7 | Journal Copy | 15 Mar 2004 |
7 | TM-1 | 15 Mar 2004 |
8 | Certificate | 15 Mar 2004 |
8 | Note Sheet | 15 Mar 2004 |
1 | O3 NOTICE | 1042348 | 746938 | 15 Jan 2014 |
Trademark was applied on 15 March 2004 with IP India.
Proprietor of A"star is ASIAN STAR COMPANY.
Class(es) in which the trademark was applied to is 14.
Status of A"star is Removed.
Application number alloted to the trademark is 1272377.
Trademark has been filed in the following category: