Care Plus

Kailash Nath Arora Trading As : Dora Cosmetic Co.Single Firm

Trademark Information

Application ID 1250072
Status Refused
Date of Application 17 November 2003
Valid / Renewed Upto 17 November 2013
Class(es) 3
Proprietor (1) Kailash Nath Arora Trading As : Dora Cosmetic Co.Single Firm
Proprietor Address Ak 2/ 3, Aarakasha Road, Paharganj, New Delhi 5.
Type Device
Registration State Chandigarh
Country India
Published Journal 0
Filing Mode Branch Office
Used Since 01/04/2000
IP Office Delhi

Image (DEVICE)

Care Plus Device mark 1250072 Trademark


Kailash Nath Arora Trading As : Dora Cosmetic Co.Single Firm

Uploaded Documents

1 Certificate 17 Sep 2003
1 Hearing Notice 17 Sep 2003
2 Examination Report 17 Sep 2003
2 TM-1 17 Sep 2003
3 Certificate 17 Sep 2003
3 Hearing Notice 17 Sep 2003
4 Examination Report 17 Sep 2003
4 Journal Copy 17 Sep 2003
5 Journal Copy 17 Sep 2003
5 TM-1 17 Sep 2003
6 Note Sheet 17 Sep 2003
7 Certificate 19 Nov 2013
8 Hearing Notice 13 Aug 2014

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the application date as per IP India website?

As per IP India data the trademark was applied on 17 November 2003.

Who has filed the trademark application with the TMO?

Kailash Nath Arora Trading As : Dora Cosmetic Co.Single Firm applied for Care plus.

What is the listed class of the Care plus with IP India?

Listed class of trademark Care plus is 3.

As per IP india what is the stage of trademark application?

Care plus is on the Refused stage of the trademark process.

What is the Serial number provided by the trademark data?

Serial Number provided to trademark application is 1250072

How is the Care plus categorized?

The trademark is categorized as DEVICE.


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