Trademark Information

Application ID
Date of Application
18 December 2001
Janapriya House, 3 6 115 Himayath Nagar, Hyderabad 500 029 (A.P.).
R. Harikrishnan.[1592]
Nitha, Warriam Road, Cochin 682 016, Kerala.
Andhra Pradesh
Filing Mode
Branch Office
IP Office
Used Since
01 April 1993
Valid / Upto
[Class : 19] Building Materials,Natural And Artificial Stone,Cement,Lime,Mortar,Plaster And Gravel,Pipes Of Earthenware Or Cements ,Asphalt,Pitch,Bitumen And Chimney Pots,Included In Class 19

Uploaded Documents

1 TM-1 18 Dec 2001
2 Examination Report 23 Jan 2003
3 Note Sheet 10 Dec 2003

Frequently Asked Questions

When was the trademark applied?

The application for Masters in mass housing was made on 18 December 2001.

Who is the applicant for Masters in mass housing?

The trademark applicant for Masters in mass housing is JANAPRIYA ENGINEERS SYNDICATE.

In what class is the trademark applied to?

Masters in mass housing is applied in class(es) 19.

What is the status of the trademark application?

Application for Masters in mass housing is on Withdrawn stage.

What is the application ID of the trademark?

Application Id allotted to Masters in mass housing is 1067377.

Who is the trademark agent or attorney?

Trademark agent or attorney for the application is R. Harikrishnan.

What is the type of trademark application?

Masters in mass housing filed with the Intellectual property office as a WORD.