Receiver For Multiple Geographical Positioning Technologies

Patent Information

Application #
Patent Number
Invention Field
Publication Type
Publication Number
Legal Status
Filing Date
30 November 2016
Grant Date
Renewal Date


Abstract: ABSTRACT According to present disclosure, a navigational device comprises a radio frequency (RF) receiver section providing a digital baseband signal streams carrying information bands from plurality of satellite systems and a processor determining position information from the digital baseband signal stream, in that, the processor sends control bits to the RF receiver to include information from at least one information band from at least one satellite systems in the digital baseband signal streams. Further, the RF receiver section comprises the first mixer and a second mixer to convert plurality of RF signals received from the plurality of satellite systems into the digital baseband signal stream and the control bits selects a first reference signal and a second reference signal for mixing at the first mixer and the second mixer to include the information from first satellite system and a second satellite system in the digital baseband signal streams.


MMRFIC Technology Pvt. Ltd.
RMZ Infinity, Level 1, Tower D, Municipal No 3, Old Madras Road, Bangalore -560016, Karnataka, India.


1. Ganesan Thiagarajan
# 2698, 1st Diagonal Road, 7th Main, HAL 3rd stage, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India-560075.
2. Saravanakumar Ganeshan
#16065,Prestige Shantiniketan, ITPL Main Road, Whitefield, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India-560048.




Year CBR Date CBR Number Renwal Amount Renwal Date Normal Due Date Renwal To Renwal From Due Date with Extension Reneal Certificate Number
3rd year 18/12/2024 76261 800 18/12/2024 20/12/2024 30/11/2019 30/11/2018 20/06/2025 174516
4th year 18/12/2024 76261 800 18/12/2024 20/12/2024 30/11/2020 30/11/2019 20/06/2025 174517
5th year 18/12/2024 76261 800 18/12/2024 20/12/2024 30/11/2021 30/11/2020 20/06/2025 174518
6th year 18/12/2024 76261 800 18/12/2024 20/12/2024 30/11/2022 30/11/2021 20/06/2025 174519
7th year 18/12/2024 76261 2400 18/12/2024 20/12/2024 30/11/2023 30/11/2022 20/06/2025 174520
8th year 18/12/2024 76261 2400 18/12/2024 20/12/2024 30/11/2024 30/11/2023 20/06/2025 174521
9th year 18/12/2024 76261 2400 18/12/2024 20/12/2024 30/11/2025 30/11/2024 20/06/2025 174522
10th year 18/12/2024 76261 2400 18/12/2024 30/11/2025 30/11/2026 30/11/2025 30/05/2026 174523
11th year -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
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Application Number Applicant Section Controller Decision Date
Application Documents
Name Date
1 201641040868-FORM FOR SMALL ENTITY [22-10-2024(online)].pdf 2024-10-22
2 201641040868-IntimationOfGrant20-09-2024.pdf 2024-09-20
3 201641040868-PatentCertificate20-09-2024.pdf 2024-09-20
4 201641040868-Written submissions and relevant documents [26-08-2024(online)].pdf 2024-08-26
5 201641040868-Correspondence to notify the Controller [26-07-2024(online)].pdf 2024-07-26
6 201641040868-US(14)-HearingNotice-(HearingDate-20-08-2024).pdf 2024-07-25
7 201641040868-ABSTRACT [22-05-2022(online)].pdf 2022-05-22
8 201641040868-CLAIMS [22-05-2022(online)].pdf 2022-05-22
9 201641040868-COMPLETE SPECIFICATION [22-05-2022(online)].pdf 2022-05-22
10 201641040868-CORRESPONDENCE [22-05-2022(online)].pdf 2022-05-22
11 201641040868-DRAWING [22-05-2022(online)].pdf 2022-05-22
12 201641040868-FER_SER_REPLY [22-05-2022(online)].pdf 2022-05-22
13 201641040868-FORM 3 [22-05-2022(online)].pdf 2022-05-22
14 201641040868-OTHERS [22-05-2022(online)].pdf 2022-05-22
15 201641040868-FER.pdf 2021-11-26
16 201641040868-FORM 18 [19-06-2020(online)].pdf 2020-06-19
17 Acknowledgement_Form28_26-12-2016.pdf 2016-12-26
18 Correspondence by Agent_Complete Specification_26-12-2016.pdf 2016-12-26
19 Correspondence by Agent_PA_05-12-2016.pdf 2016-12-05
20 Abstract_As Filed_30-10-2016.pdf 2016-10-30
21 Claims_As Filed_30-10-2016.pdf 2016-10-30
22 Description Complete_As Filed_30-10-2016.pdf 2016-10-30
23 Drawings_As Filed_30-10-2016.pdf 2016-10-30
24 Form1_As Filed_30-10-2016.pdf 2016-10-30
25 Form26_Power of Attorney_30-10-2016.pdf 2016-10-30
26 Form28_As Filed_30-10-2016.pdf 2016-10-30
27 Form2_As Filed_30-10-2016.pdf 2016-10-30
28 Form3_As Filed_30-10-2016.pdf 2016-10-30
Search Strategy
1 SearchHistoryE_24-11-2021.pdf