Abstract: For human life progression easily, feasible capability is offered by the Internet-of-Things (IoTs) which is combined with the Network technology and hardware remarkable progression. Along with some smart environments like smart homes, smart city, smart agriculture, there is another field of high reliability of IoT in e-healthcare systems for real time diagnosis and medical consultancy. Smart medical healthcare system architecture is proposed in this paper to increase the privacy based on medical internet of things (MIoT). According to open source of project, within the IoT environment electronic medical healthcare system is developed. The gap in between the digital and physical world is bridged by the Internet of Things (IoT) which enables the computers and users for providing the communication among sensors, actuators and other objects. Furthermore, diverse challenges are rising with these developments in preserving user privacy and it needs some extent of management of security and privacy issues. Sensitive health records storing and recovering from cloud is called as Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) which requires the harsh privacy concern for particularly patient’s identity. Therefore, this invention deals the framework of e-healthcare monitoring to effective management of EMR with more privacy concern. The anticipated model is effectual in offering privacy with standard IoT parameters. 5 Claims & 1 Figure
Name | Date | |
1 | 202141057655-COMPLETE SPECIFICATION [11-12-2021(online)].pdf | 2021-12-11 |
2 | 202141057655-DRAWINGS [11-12-2021(online)].pdf | 2021-12-11 |
3 | 202141057655-EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION(S) [11-12-2021(online)].pdf | 2021-12-11 |
4 | 202141057655-EVIDENCE FOR REGISTRATION UNDER SSI [11-12-2021(online)].pdf | 2021-12-11 |
5 | 202141057655-EVIDENCE FOR REGISTRATION UNDER SSI(FORM-28) [11-12-2021(online)].pdf | 2021-12-11 |
6 | 202141057655-FORM 1 [11-12-2021(online)].pdf | 2021-12-11 |
7 | 202141057655-FORM FOR SMALL ENTITY [11-12-2021(online)].pdf | 2021-12-11 |
8 | 202141057655-FORM FOR SMALL ENTITY(FORM-28) [11-12-2021(online)].pdf | 2021-12-11 |
9 | 202141057655-FORM-9 [11-12-2021(online)].pdf | 2021-12-11 |
10 | 202141057655-REQUEST FOR EARLY PUBLICATION(FORM-9) [11-12-2021(online)].pdf | 2021-12-11 |
Claims:The scope of the invention is defined by the following claims:
1. A system/method for enhancing the privacy of the health care system using Medical IoT, said system/method comprising the steps of:
a) The MIoT (1) devices has some predefined information documents to give input to the process of Terminal aggregation platforms (2).
b) The network management (3) does some operations on the data representational model.
c) The resources are aggregated (4) using MIoT resource discovery algorithm and given to the identity manager (5).
d) After that, the receives the patient data based on the query handler (6) from the public cloud.
2. As mentioned in claim 1, the patient information’s are processed using the aggregation techniques, like aggregation algorithms and resource representation model.
3. As per claim 1, the resources are aggregated using the MIoT discovery algorithm and service resolution methods.
4. As mentioned in claim 1, the authorized user given a query request to the public cloud, and he/she will get the data based on their query matching.
5. As mentioned in claim 1, the patient can able to see the original information by deciphering the data using the secret key. , Description:Field of Invention
The present invention relates to, providing the privacy enrichment framework for e-Health care system based on Medical- IoT environment. IOT based application of e-healthcare system has created a new dimension of medication and e-healthcare in hospitals.
Background of Invention
Many authors have presented their significant contributions in various health care domains from a different perspective. But still, lots of work is reaming to be done by exploring the pivotal role of energy efficient techniques in the IoMT. (Zhang et. Al. [2017], Chinese Journal of Medical Device, vol.10, no. 5, pp. 1-2) applied barcode technology to the medical management system. The introduction of this technology facilitates in the dynamic management of patient use of medical equipment, and is conductive to scientific and rational distribution of medical resources. For data transmission, (H. Ghasemzadeh et al [2019], Information Fusion, vol. 45, pp. 150 - 152) depicted E2E home based healthcare monitoring system utilizes selective transmission link protocol to determine finest data path from gateway to nearest medical centre.
(U. Satija et al. [2017], IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 815-823) depicted stronger contribution towards utilization of wearable sensors and smart phone for monitoring health specifically in emergency notification and detection with appropriate lifesaving advantages in remote bandwidth constrained areas. They also resolve the necessity to prioritize worldwide patients in heathcare systems, as capacity to offer timely medical services for every patient inadequately. Specifically, training physicians and nurses gives priority to patients with physical arrival in emergency department, which is intolerable to patients who arrive from various locations. Telemedicine is determined as feasible solution to prioritize patients before moving to hospitals by monitoring distantly with essential signs. With extensively growing IoT proliferation and corresponding applications, investigators begin to initiate smart utilization of devices in edge computing through IoT gateways. By placing a step towards the growth of edge processing, (X. Liang et al., [2014], IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 430-439) depicted blood glucose level monitoring based on interactive tele-care monitoring system and basic threshold determining alert generation approaches that significantly works in IoT gateway. They also depicts that edge computing based anomaly detection attains important reduction in energy consumption and latency. Even though its data set evaluation does not holds any patients essential data. Their investigation shows probable benefits over smart edge computation.
(Gartner news [2015] Information Fusion, vol. 45, pp-138) , explore the emerging and vital role of the medical devices and increasing importance in the near future in association with other fields. (Greg Cline et al [2017], Information Fusion, June) discuss the flexible nature of the IoT for easy coordination with other state-of-the-art technologies. (Ali Hassan Sodhro et al. [2018], Future Generation Computer Systems: Special Issue on Emerging Edge-of-Things Computing: Opportunities and Challenges, Elsevier, Vol.86,pp. 380–391) present the emerging role of the IoT in different domains to realize its importance in healthcare. (Barnaghi et.al [2012] International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 1-21) proposed a semantic model based on IoT services, initially presenting a number of basic concepts, such as equipment, resources, and entities, combined with interconnections between them. The IoT services were then presented by providing a unified description protocol and an interface for all kinds of services. (Ostermaier et.al [2010] Internet of Things, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 1-8) proposed a real-time search engine that allows users to search for entities in the physical world with certain attributes. This system associates web pages with physical entities that contain multiple sensor devices, and adopts additional structured metadata to describe the sensor. This approach takes full advantage of the historical data of the user and device interactions, but ignores the relationship between device contexts to a certain degree.
There is no doubt that IoT technology has great potential in medical field. It can help hospitals to realize intelligent medical treatment and the management of things. MIoT resource representation model introduction is the first step for the terminal aggregation layer and designing it into virtual end with the interface providing for the upper platform. The devices or terminals of communication protocols are diverse in the MIoT environment of the network management platform. The application layer sends a business request to the service aggregation platform. Based on the service combination strategy in the MIoT business scenario, the network resource link or virtual terminal resource is allocated. The terminal aggregation control platform interface is accessed with the corresponding virtual terminal increment with the feedback of calculation result to the network management platform in time for specific application execution.
Public key is offered by the Content security policies (CSPs) when the user asks EMR for accessing important data which is validated after the after-key centre verification. Key Centre gets a request from Data aggregator with certificates and both the public-private key are responds to the Key centre. It responds to user as REQ iACK. In random sense, accessed and generate the user certificate with the transmission of message along with EMR by the user and private key is encrypted. For consensus process new public key request and EMR transactions are transmitted after the receiving and validating certificate. For the effective validation, EMR request is received by the data aggregators (DA) and then ACKNOWLEDGEMENT message is transmitted to the public CSP. Then message is monitored by the data aggregator and updates its database or private cloud correspondingly. Requested patients’ query is parsed and appropriate action is making and validated if the consensus is successful.
The objective of this invention is focusing on privacy improvement for e-Health care system based on medical-IoT. In the case of medical treatment at different hospitals, the cloud-assisted medical information system enables the electronic medical records (EMR) to share the patient information from one hospital to another without data reduplication.
Summary of the Invention
In the present invention, a fame work of privacy enrichment for eHealth care system based on medical-IoT is designed for improving the electronic medical records safety and privacy. The main aim of this invention is providing the privacy and security of electronic medical records from hospitals and as well as insurance companies.
Brief Description of Drawing
The invention will be described in detail with reference to the exemplary embodiments shown in the figures wherein:
Figure 1, Framework of Privacy Enriched Electronic Health Care System.
Detailed Description of the Invention
For data transmission, Gateway control and Monitoring devices are two important IoT based elements which are used in patients’ edge computation. IoT based devices with sensors are called as monitoring devices such as ECG, PPG and etc. patient’s health factors such as ECG, BP, pulse rate, saturation are monitored by using this monitoring devices. Patients’ information is transmitted through the connected devices to gateway controller by using wireless networks with short ranges like Wi-Fi, Zig-Bee and Bluetooth according to the networking devices availability. Functionality is done by Gateway first with above mentioned devices and then these controller devices are serving to all household devices with the sharing to multiple patients. Patients’ EMR original identity mapping is done with the data management and these are such as patient’s contact address, number, GPS location, name and personal information of patient. Tokens are generated in this mapping process of particular electronic medical records (EMR) with the particular person’s information. In this process abstracted and segregated the information.
MIoT resource representation model introduction is the first step for the terminal aggregation layer and designing it into virtual end with the interface providing for the upper platform. Multi-terminal collaboration effectively to provide the quality of service and other user’s quality of service is not affected by the aggregation. The devices or terminals of communication protocols are diverse in the MIoT environment of the network management platform. The technology of heterogeneous network virtualization, other resources, storage, computing is required for achieving the communication multi-dimensional joint optimization. Public physical network resources are shared and coexist with these heterogeneous virtual networks. The required resources are managed and configured by the users. Therefore, based on service’s needs, protocols and architecture of its own is customized by the virtual network with the network utilization improvement. The application layer sends a business request to the service aggregation platform. Based on the service combination strategy in the MIoT business scenario, the network resource link or virtual terminal resource is allocated. The terminal aggregation control platform interface is accessed with the corresponding virtual terminal increment with the feedback of calculation result to the network management platform in time for specific application execution. According to user preference, remarkable interactive information is analyzed in between the devices and users for suggested most relevant equipment resources which is a key in the MIoT resource discovery algorithm.
Tokens are provided in the private clouds by heterogeneous sensors for storing EMR called as process of Key generation. File requesters, service providers and cloud servers are also use these tokens. Public key is offered by the Content security policies (CSPs) when the user asks EMR for accessing important data which is validated after the after-key centre verification. With the identification of Request message is transmitted generally. Key Centre gets a request from Data aggregator with certificates and both the public-private key are responds to the Key centre. It responds to user as REQ iACK. In random sense, accessed and generate the user certificate with the transmission of message along with EMR by the user and private key is encrypted. For consensus process new public key request and EMR transactions are transmitted after the receiving and validating certificate.
In network aggregators carries the Consensus process. With available consensus, validate and verify the EMR based total transactions and records which are relate to the Content security policies (CSP) after the getting the request to aggregator from EMR. Storage durability is guaranteed as it needs replication by usage cloud storage. For the effective validation, EMR request is received by the data aggregators (DA) and then ACKNOWLEDGEMENT message is transmitted to the public CSP. Then message is monitored by the data aggregator and updates its database or private cloud correspondingly. Requested patients’ query is parsed and appropriate action is making and validated if the consensus is successful. EMR is updated periodically according to the verification and in the name of reply; requested EMR is transmitted in encrypted form by data aggregator with generated Pub key.
5 Claims & 1 Figure