Patent Information

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Grant Date
Renewal Date


Abstract: IOT BASED WEARABLE DEVICE AND SYSTEM FOR ASSISTING NEUROLOGICALLY AFFECTED PATIENTS The present invention relates to an IOT based wearable device (100) and a system 5 (400) for assisting neurologically affected patients in their day-to-day activities and in alerting caretakers in case of emergency situations. The wearable device (100) comprises of a heartbeat sensor (101), a navigation module (103), a communication module (104), an input module (105), a speaker (106) and a controller (107). The controller (107) enables a buzzer (111) to generate an alarm when it reaches a 10 predefined time limit. When a measured heart rate is not in range of a threshold value of the heart rate and/or when patient’s location is changed, the controller (107) generates an alert. The system (400) comprises at least one pill box (300), a wearable device (100) and one or more electronic devices (200). Ref. Figure 1 & 3


1. ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru
ATME College of Engineering, 13th Kilometer, Mysuru – Kanakapura - Bengaluru Road, Mysuru – 570028, Karnataka.


1. Swapna H
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of ATME College of Engineering, 13th Kilometer, Mysuru – Kanakapura - Bengaluru Road, Mysuru – 570028, Karnataka
2. Yaseen Ulla Khan
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of ATME College of Engineering, 13th Kilometer, Mysuru – Kanakapura - Bengaluru Road, Mysuru – 570028, Karnataka.
3. Bharath S
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of ATME College of Engineering, 13th Kilometer, Mysuru – Kanakapura - Bengaluru Road, Mysuru – 570028, Karnataka.


1. Swapna H
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of ATME College of Engineering, 13th Kilometer, Mysuru – Kanakapura - Bengaluru Road, Mysuru – 570028, Karnataka
2. Yaseen Ulla Khan
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of ATME College of Engineering, 13th Kilometer, Mysuru – Kanakapura - Bengaluru Road, Mysuru – 570028, Karnataka.
3. Bharath S
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of ATME College of Engineering, 13th Kilometer, Mysuru – Kanakapura - Bengaluru Road, Mysuru – 570028, Karnataka.


Year CBR Date CBR Number Renwal Amount Renwal Date Normal Due Date Renwal To Renwal From Due Date with Extension Reneal Certificate Number
3rd year 16/09/2024 57050 800 16/09/2024 05/10/2024 15/02/2025 15/02/2024 05/04/2025 148448
4th year 16/09/2024 57050 800 16/09/2024 15/02/2025 15/02/2026 15/02/2025 15/08/2025 148449
5th year 16/09/2024 57050 800 16/09/2024 15/02/2026 15/02/2027 15/02/2026 15/08/2026 148450
6th year 16/09/2024 57050 800 16/09/2024 15/02/2027 15/02/2028 15/02/2027 15/08/2027 148451
7th year -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
8th year -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
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11th year -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
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14th year -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
15th year -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
16th year -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
17th year -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
18th year -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
19th year -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20th year -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --



Application Number Applicant Section Controller Decision Date
Name Date
1 202241007932-IntimationOfGrant05-07-2024.pdf 2024-07-05
2 202241007932-PatentCertificate05-07-2024.pdf 2024-07-05
3 202241007932-Annexure [12-05-2024(online)].pdf 2024-05-12
4 202241007932-Written submissions and relevant documents [12-05-2024(online)].pdf 2024-05-12
5 202241007932-Annexure [29-04-2024(online)].pdf 2024-04-29
6 202241007932-Correspondence to notify the Controller [29-04-2024(online)].pdf 2024-04-29
7 202241007932-US(14)-HearingNotice-(HearingDate-02-05-2024).pdf 2024-04-08
8 202241007932-CLAIMS [22-11-2022(online)].pdf 2022-11-22
9 202241007932-COMPLETE SPECIFICATION [22-11-2022(online)].pdf 2022-11-22
10 202241007932-CORRESPONDENCE [22-11-2022(online)].pdf 2022-11-22
11 202241007932-DRAWING [22-11-2022(online)].pdf 2022-11-22
12 202241007932-FER_SER_REPLY [22-11-2022(online)].pdf 2022-11-22
13 202241007932-FER.pdf 2022-07-15
14 202241007932-COMPLETE SPECIFICATION [15-02-2022(online)]-1.pdf 2022-02-15
15 202241007932-COMPLETE SPECIFICATION [15-02-2022(online)].pdf 2022-02-15
16 202241007932-DECLARATION OF INVENTORSHIP (FORM 5) [15-02-2022(online)].pdf 2022-02-15
17 202241007932-DRAWINGS [15-02-2022(online)].pdf 2022-02-15
18 202241007932-EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION(S) [15-02-2022(online)].pdf 2022-02-15
19 202241007932-EVIDENCE FOR REGISTRATION UNDER SSI [15-02-2022(online)].pdf 2022-02-15
20 202241007932-EVIDENCE FOR REGISTRATION UNDER SSI(FORM-28) [15-02-2022(online)].pdf 2022-02-15
21 202241007932-FORM 1 [15-02-2022(online)].pdf 2022-02-15
22 202241007932-FORM 18 [15-02-2022(online)].pdf 2022-02-15
23 202241007932-FORM FOR SMALL ENTITY(FORM-28) [15-02-2022(online)].pdf 2022-02-15
24 202241007932-FORM-9 [15-02-2022(online)].pdf 2022-02-15
25 202241007932-POWER OF AUTHORITY [15-02-2022(online)].pdf 2022-02-15
26 202241007932-PROOF OF RIGHT [15-02-2022(online)].pdf 2022-02-15
27 202241007932-REQUEST FOR EARLY PUBLICATION(FORM-9) [15-02-2022(online)].pdf 2022-02-15
28 202241007932-REQUEST FOR EXAMINATION (FORM-18) [15-02-2022(online)].pdf 2022-02-15
29 202241007932-STATEMENT OF UNDERTAKING (FORM 3) [15-02-2022(online)].pdf 2022-02-15