Patent Information

Application #
Patent Number
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Publication Number
Grant Date
Filing Date
Grant Date
Renewal Date


Abstract: A hard metal material and a method of manufacturing a component of the hard metal material are disclosed. The hard metal material comprises 5 50 volume % particles of a refractory material dispersed in a host metal. The method comprises forming a slurry of 5 50 volume % particles of the refractory material dispersed in a liquid host metal in an inert atmosphere and pouring the slurry into a mould and forming a casting of the component.


1 Marden Street Artarmon New South Wales 2064


1. DOLMAN Kevin
29 Chester Street Epping New South Wales 2121


1. DOLMAN Kevin
29 Chester Street Epping New South Wales 2121


Year CBR Date CBR Number Renwal Amount Renwal Date Normal Due Date Renwal To Renwal From Due Date with Extension Reneal Certificate Number
3rd year 16/11/2021 40429 4000 16/11/2021 17/12/2021 01/02/2014 01/02/2013 17/06/2022 78824
4th year 16/11/2021 40429 4000 16/11/2021 17/12/2021 01/02/2015 01/02/2014 17/06/2022 78825
5th year 16/11/2021 40429 4000 16/11/2021 17/12/2021 01/02/2016 01/02/2015 17/06/2022 78826
6th year 16/11/2021 40429 4000 16/11/2021 17/12/2021 01/02/2017 01/02/2016 17/06/2022 78827
7th year 16/11/2021 40429 12000 16/11/2021 17/12/2021 01/02/2018 01/02/2017 17/06/2022 78828
8th year 16/11/2021 40429 12000 16/11/2021 17/12/2021 01/02/2019 01/02/2018 17/06/2022 78829
9th year 16/11/2021 40429 12000 16/11/2021 17/12/2021 01/02/2020 01/02/2019 17/06/2022 78830
10th year 16/11/2021 40429 12000 16/11/2021 17/12/2021 01/02/2021 01/02/2020 17/06/2022 78831
11th year 16/11/2021 40429 24000 16/11/2021 17/12/2021 01/02/2022 01/02/2021 17/06/2022 78832
12th year 27/01/2022 3267 24000 27/01/2022 01/02/2022 01/02/2023 01/02/2022 01/08/2022 6394
13th year 23/01/2023 3335 24000 23/01/2023 01/02/2023 01/02/2024 01/02/2023 01/08/2023 6335
14th year 25/01/2024 5993 24000 25/01/2024 01/02/2024 01/02/2025 01/02/2024 01/08/2024 21737
15th year -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
16th year -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
17th year -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
18th year -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
19th year -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20th year -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --



Application Number Applicant Section Controller Decision Date
Name Date
1 7203-DELNP-2012-RELEVANT DOCUMENTS [28-07-2023(online)].pdf 2023-07-28
2 7203-DELNP-2012-RELEVANT DOCUMENTS [28-09-2022(online)].pdf 2022-09-28
3 7203-DELNP-2012-US(14)-ExtendedHearingNotice-(HearingDate-15-07-2021).pdf 2021-10-17
4 7203-DELNP-2012-US(14)-ExtendedHearingNotice-(HearingDate-16-08-2021).pdf 2021-10-17
5 7203-DELNP-2012-US(14)-HearingNotice-(HearingDate-17-06-2021).pdf 2021-10-17
6 7203-DELNP-2012-IntimationOfGrant17-09-2021.pdf 2021-09-17
7 7203-DELNP-2012-PatentCertificate17-09-2021.pdf 2021-09-17
8 7203-DELNP-2012-2. Marked Copy under Rule 14(2) [30-08-2021(online)].pdf 2021-08-30
9 7203-DELNP-2012-PETITION UNDER RULE 137 [30-08-2021(online)].pdf 2021-08-30
10 7203-DELNP-2012-Retyped Pages under Rule 14(1) [30-08-2021(online)].pdf 2021-08-30
11 7203-DELNP-2012-Written submissions and relevant documents [30-08-2021(online)].pdf 2021-08-30
12 7203-DELNP-2012-Correspondence to notify the Controller [13-08-2021(online)].pdf 2021-08-13
13 7203-DELNP-2012-REQUEST FOR ADJOURNMENT OF HEARING UNDER RULE 129A [12-07-2021(online)].pdf 2021-07-12
14 7203-DELNP-2012-FORM-26 [09-07-2021(online)].pdf 2021-07-09
15 7203-DELNP-2012-FORM 3 [11-06-2021(online)].pdf 2021-06-11
16 7203-DELNP-2012-REQUEST FOR ADJOURNMENT OF HEARING UNDER RULE 129A [11-06-2021(online)].pdf 2021-06-11
17 7203-DELNP-2012-FORM 3 [07-07-2020(online)].pdf 2020-07-07
18 7203-DELNP-2012-FORM 3 [05-12-2019(online)].pdf 2019-12-05
19 7203-DELNP-2012-2. Marked Copy under Rule 14(2) (MANDATORY) [28-05-2019(online)].pdf 2019-05-28
20 7203-DELNP-2012-ABSTRACT [28-05-2019(online)].pdf 2019-05-28
21 7203-DELNP-2012-AMMENDED DOCUMENTS [28-05-2019(online)].pdf 2019-05-28
22 7203-DELNP-2012-CLAIMS [28-05-2019(online)].pdf 2019-05-28
23 7203-DELNP-2012-DRAWING [28-05-2019(online)].pdf 2019-05-28
24 7203-DELNP-2012-FER_SER_REPLY [28-05-2019(online)].pdf 2019-05-28
25 7203-DELNP-2012-FORM 13 [28-05-2019(online)].pdf 2019-05-28
26 7203-DELNP-2012-MARKED COPIES OF AMENDEMENTS [28-05-2019(online)].pdf 2019-05-28
27 7203-DELNP-2012-PETITION UNDER RULE 137 [28-05-2019(online)].pdf 2019-05-28
28 7203-DELNP-2012-Proof of Right (MANDATORY) [28-05-2019(online)].pdf 2019-05-28
29 7203-DELNP-2012-Retyped Pages under Rule 14(1) (MANDATORY) [28-05-2019(online)].pdf 2019-05-28
30 7203-DELNP-2012-FORM 3 [23-05-2019(online)].pdf 2019-05-23
31 7203-DELNP-2012-Information under section 8(2) (MANDATORY) [23-05-2019(online)].pdf 2019-05-23
32 7203-DELNP-2012-FORM 4(ii) [19-02-2019(online)].pdf 2019-02-19
33 7203-DELNP-2012-FER.pdf 2018-08-29
34 7203-delnp-2012-Correspondence Others-(02-12-2013).pdf 2013-12-02
35 7203-delnp-2012-Form-18-(02-12-2013).pdf 2013-12-02
36 7203-delnp-2012-Correspondence Others-(06-12-2012).pdf 2012-12-06
37 7203-delnp-2012-Form-3-(06-12-2012).pdf 2012-12-06
38 7203-delnp-2012-Claims.pdf 2012-11-07
39 7203-delnp-2012-Correspondence-others.pdf 2012-11-07
40 7203-delnp-2012-Form-1.pdf 2012-11-07
41 7203-delnp-2012-Form-2.pdf 2012-11-07
42 7203-delnp-2012-Form-3.pdf 2012-11-07
43 7203-delnp-2012-Form-5.pdf 2012-11-07
44 7203-DELNP-2012-Correspondence-Others-(27-09-2012).pdf 2012-09-27
45 7203-DELNP-2012-GPA-(27-09-2012).pdf 2012-09-27
46 7203-DELNP-2012.pdf 2012-08-22