"Hard Boiled Herbal Aphrodisiac Candy"

Updated over 2 years ago


The instant invention deals with the creation of hard-boiled herbal candies that are infused with the decoction of herbs which are beneficial in improving sexual functioning and performance . Previously used decoctions and decoction-syrups suffer from the setbacks of sedimentation, spillage and the requirement of measured spoons for dispensing. The candies incorporating herbal decoction can be easily carried and the dose calibrated simply by counting the number of the small candies sucked. There is also no need to add preservatives as in the case of decoctions.The hard boiled herbal brain candies are easily manufactured by standard candy-making machinery, and can be produced at low cost and in huge amounts, lending the invention to commercial application and popular consumption.


Application ID 2272/DEL/2009
Date of Application 2009-11-04
Publication Date 2011-05-13
Status Disposed
Publication Type 1
Date of Certificate
Patent Number
Grant Date
Renewal Date
Publication Number 19/2011


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Hard-Boiled Herbal Aphrodisiac Candy
This invention deals with creation of herbal hard boiled candies for enhancing sexual vigour and relieving pre-mature ejaculation.(by increasing tumescence).. For the very first time, a herbal confection has been produced which is versatile in its application and is amenable to large scale production. The novelty of the invention lies in the totally new concept of dispensing traditional formulations and decoctions in an easily portable and modern format. Since the hard boiled candy can be produced in double-quick time, the cost of production is low and the price to the user can be kept economical enough to make it a commercially viable proposition.
Numerous herbs and herbal preparations to enhance sexual agility are expounded in the ancient Indian Ayurvedic texts, namely Charak Samhita and Sushrut Samhita. These preparations are in the form of tablets, decoctions, herbal powders and ghritas. Many of these herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Musli and Kewanch seeds have been extensively studied for their therapeutic effects by CDRI Lucknow and other research institutions, and have been found to contain several beneficial phytochemicals which are modulatory to the nervous and circulatory systems.
The various herbs that have been mentioned in the scriptures as useful for the sexual and nervous sustems ,and for pre-mature ejaculation are as follows :
Abelmochus moschatus, withania somnifera, argyreia speciosa, mucuna pruriens, orchis mascula, anacyclus pyrethrum, sida cordifolia, piper nigrum, bombax ceiba, asparagus recemosus pureria tuberose, orchis latifolia.
In the preparation of herbal decoctions, the parts of various herbs to be used are mixed and boiled in adequate quantity of water over a low flame, until the volume of water is reduced to 1/4-1/16th depending on the requirement. The usual practice is to reduce the volume to 1/4th of the original volume. This decoction is then stained through muslin and taken as such, or after mixing some sugar to improve acceptability, since many herbs are bitter.
The object of the present invention is a herbal aphrodisiac candy ,which presents for the first time the decoction syrup in single-dose candy form, without the defects and deficiencies of dispensing decoctions and syrups. The decoction syrups are dispensed in bottles to be partaken by spoons. The use of these preparations entails carrying the bottles while going on tours and these are prone to leakage. There is thus the matter of portability, soilage and the need of measured spoons to properly take the medicinal liquids. The Herbal Aphrodisiac Candy is a vast improvement over the decoction and capsule form of ingesting the herbal formulations and is :
- Very tasty with a highly refined texture.
- Allows action of the herbs to take place in the mouth itself, mainly through the tongue; since Ayurveda states clearly that taste forms an important part of the action of herbs. Merely gulping down the decoction precludes the action through the taste receptors.
Portable format - eat and throw (the wrapper); can be eaten on the move.
- Maintaining its texture over vast temperature variations.
The innovation primarily rests on the addition of a product of modern technology, liquid glucose, to the decoction syrup (during the final stages of the preparation) and heating the mixture upto a precise temperature made possible by the use of digital thermometers. Were the glucose syrup not added, and only the traditional sucrose syrup used, the candies produced would be extremely hard and sticky making them unsuitable for use. Hence, the innovation is remarkable because it results from combining the traditional knowledge with innovations of modern technology, namely liquid sugars, vacuumisers, and digital thermometers.
In fact, the very concept of a hard-boiled confection that benefits the brain is new and the concept takes a fresh perspective at the mode of delivery of the goodness of herbs in a palatable and compact format.
Moreover, the invention lends itself to mass production processes with ease. By the use of vacuum boilers and mixers, the process can be carried out on a mass scale with ease, and can become commercially viable.
In preparing the decoction in the traditional manner, the mixture of herbs is boiled in water at normal atmospheric pressure, till the volume of water is reduced to one fourths of the original volume of water before beginning the heating. At this stage, the heating is stopped and the decoction is filtered through fine muslin to obtain a suspension. If left undisturbed, a fine sediment would soon settle at the bottom of the container. This decoction can be had
as such, or some sugar may be added to the decoction to make it more palatable. Alternately, a preservative may be added to the syrup to muke it umenuble und safe for use over a longer period of time. This use of a preservative takes away from the naturalness of the preparation, and is also an unnecessary chemical ingested.
In the preparation of herbal hard-boiled aphrodisiac candy, there is no need of a preservative, since the water component has been drastically reduced by evaporation, and the candy can stay free of bacterial and fungal colonisation, and also fermentation. The methodology of preparing the candy revolves around the use of glucose syrup, sucrose and herbal decoction in the following proportions:
Decoction: Sucrose: Glucose syrup :: 1: 1.0-1.5 : 0.6-1.0
If herbal extracts are used, the proportion of herbal decoction used would be less. This mixture is heated upto temperatures ranging from 121-150 C, depending on the temperature of the environment and the consistency required. Once the required consistency is achieved, heating is stopped and fresh white butter is added in the proportion:
Above mixture, 1 kg, add 20-40gms. of fresh white butter.
At this stage, some flavour like Vanilla may be added in minor amounts to impart some flavour. The butter may be added as such at the end of the heating, or after melting in a separate pan and adding to the mixture at around HOC.
In the following example, which illustrates a precise form of execution of the invention, the proportions are expressed by weight.
Example 1
Seeds of mucuna prurians are first purified by boiling in cow's milk for half to one hour.
This makes it possible to separate the kernel from the seeds .
Herbal decoction is then prepared by taking the herbs in the given quantity in 10 litres of

(Table Removed)
Use of herbal extracts ,and essential oils derived from the herbs, can also be used at the last stages of manufacture to further potentiate the candies.Standardisation would also be better with extracts.The herbal extracts used may be either in powder form or in liquid form, the latter providing smoother texture.
Example 2
In another embodiment, a 'jelly candy' may be prepared in place of the hard-boiled candy, using the fame herbal ingredients for creating candies to enhance sexual performance In this jelly candy, herbal extracts and essential oils may be used in place of raw herbs.
Powdered fruit pectin -— 3.5 Kg
Sugar 20 Kg
Glucose syrup 25 Kg
Herbal Decoction (or water)-181itres
Herbal Extract 1 litre
Baking soda 120 gm
Food colouring negligible
Some cooking pans are greased with vegetable oil or ghee.The pectin, water and baking soda are stirred together in a large pan and cooked over high heat (mixture 1). At the same time, the sugar and glucose syrup are together (mixture 2) brought to a rolling boil, stirring occasionally. When this reaches boiling, the mixture 1 (pectin mixture) is added to mixture 2 & cooked for some additional time stirring continuously (mixture 3). Now the mixture 3 is removed from heat and the herbal extracts (of all the herbs alongwith essential oils derived from these) are added as also the colour, stirring to incorporate homogeneously. Permitted preservatives and flavours are also added at this stage to mixture 3.
- The hot mixture is then poured into the prepared pans, allowed to cool, and loosely covered with cloth or sieve. After the mixture has cooled, the pans are inverted onto a platter full of powdered sugar. The candy block is now chopped into slices and then into cubes or other desired shape.

I claim :
1) A medicated hard boiled herbal aphrodisiac candy created by :
a) Preparing decoction from herbs beneficial for sexual function. These herbs are -
Withania Somnlfora, Mucuna Prurient, Crocus sativus .Orchis Mascula .Sida
Cordifolia,Asparagus Recomosus.Asparagus Adscendens .Arygyreia Speciossa,Anacyclucs
Pyrsthrum, Bombax Colbs .Piper Nigurum.Hyoscyamus Niger .Hibiscue Abelmoschus,A
longifolia .leptadenia reticulata .ipomoea digitata .pedaluim murex, sida spinosa.
b) Sieving of decoction and addition of sugar and glucose syrup, heating the mixture while
constantly stirring, in following proportions:
Decoction : Sugar: Glucose syrup :: 1 :1.0-1.5 : 0.6-1.0
c) Heating of above mixture upto 125-150 C, and adding fresh white butter in amounts of 20-40gm. per kg. of mixture. Flavour may be added at this point and heating stopped.
d) Pouring of final mixture into trays or moulds or automatic candy-forming machines. Optionally,

a) Herbal extracts may be used as a substitute to, or in addition to, herbal decoction in order to increase the potency of the preparation.
b) Fresh white butter may be replaced by dried milk powder.
2) A fruit jelly candy prepared by :
a) Stirring a mixture of pectin, herbal decoction and baking soda in a large pan and cooked . over high heat
b) Boiling sugar and glucose syrup in another pan and adding to above mixture till required consistency
c) Removing from heat, adding natural colours and flavours while stirring continuously, and then pouring into moulds/trays and allowed to cool.