[Class : 39] Cargo, Consolidators, Nvocc (Non Vessel Operating Common Carriers), Multimodel Transport Operators (Mto), Freighting, Freight Forwarding, Freight (Shipping Of Goods), Air Transport, Warehousing, Rental Of Warehouses & Rail Transport.
Trade mark is likely to be removed due to non filing of Renewal request within prescribed time limit In case of any discripancy contact respective TM Registry.
[Class : 35] Commercial Agent For Booking Space In The Shipping Line, Purchasing Agent (Of Space In Steamers), Monitoring & Tracking Of Package Shipments.
Trade mark is likely to be removed due to non filing of Renewal request within prescribed time limit In case of any discripancy contact respective TM Registry.
Form 67 -Addendum--210513 in respect of FormFTE-030413.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-210513.PDF
Optional Attachment 2-210513.PDF
Optional Attachment 3-210513.PDF
Optional Attachment 4-210513.PDF
A duly certified statement of account by a chartered accountant in whole-time practice-030413.PDF
Copy of Board resolution showing authorisation given for filing this application-030413.PDF
Indemnity bond -to be given individually or collectively by director-s--030413.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-030413.PDF
Optional Attachment 2-030413.PDF
Affidavit -to be given individually by director-s---030413.PDF