Copy of court order or NCLT or CLB or order by any other competent authority.-02072019
Form GNL-2-21022018
Optional Attachment-(1)-21022018
Form 149 or form 152 or form 153 or form 154 or form 156 or form 157 or form 158 or form 159 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959-21022018
Form GNL-2-06022018-signed
Form MGT-14-16012018_signed
Copy(s) of resolution(s) along with copy of explanatory statement under section 173-16012018
Form 149 or form 152 or form 153 or form 154 or form 156 or form 157 or form 158 or form 159 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959-16012018
Optional Attachment-(1)-16012018
Form MGT-14-04042017-signed
Form GNL-2-21032017-signed
Optional Attachment-(3)-20032017
Copy(s) of resolution(s) along with copy of explanatory statement under section 173-20032017
Optional Attachment-(1)-20032017
Optional Attachment-(2)-20032017
Form GNL-2-07032017-signed
Optional Attachment-(1)-02032017
Form 149 or form 152 or form 153 or form 154 or form 156 or form 157 or form 158 or form 159 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959-01032017
Form GNL-2-08022017-signed
Optional Attachment-(1)-27012017
Form 149 or form 152 or form 153 or form 154 or form 156 or form 157 or form 158 or form 159 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959-27012017
Form MGT-7-19102016_signed
List of share holders, debenture holders;-18102016
Directors report as per section 134(3)-18102016
Details of salient features and justifications for entering into Contracts/Arrangements/Transactions with related parties as per section 188 (1) - Form AOC - 2-18102016
Copy of Financial Staements duly authenticated as per section 134 (Including Boards report, auditors report and other documents)-18102016