Frequently Asked Questions
When was the Vani commercials limited incorporated?
The Vani commercials limited was incorporated with ROC on 24 February 1988 as .
Where has the Vani commercials limited been incorporated?
The company was incorporated in Delhi with registration number 106425.
What is the E-filing status of the company?
The status of Vani commercials limited is Active.
Number of Key Management personnel of the Vani commercials limited?
The company has 20 key management personnel in the company.
Who are the directors of the Vani commercials limited?
The appointed directors in the company are:
- Vidya sagar bhatia
- Sunkulp sagar bhatia
- Mukesh sukhija
- Gaurav mutreja
- Kuldeep singh
- Satnam singh randhawa
- Manoj kumar pahwa
- Pooja bhatia
- Divesh kumar bajaj
- Jitender kumar juneja
- Naresh kumar mansharamani
- Viralbhai vijaybhai dodiya
- Neha ashish karia
- Vishal abrol
- Binal jenish shah
- Deepak khanna
- Pitambar mohan
- Rohit gupta
- Harish kumar sahdev
- Yugraj singh