Copy of Financial Staements duly authenticated as per section 134 (Including Boards report, auditors report and other documents)-01092016
Details of salient features and justifications for entering into Contracts/Arrangements/Transactions with related parties as per section 188 (1) - Form AOC - 2-01092016
Directors report as per section 134(3)-01092016
List of share holders, debenture holders;-01092016
Form AOC-4-01092016_signed
Form MGT-7-01092016_signed
Form MGT-7-301115.OCT
Form AOC-4-051115.OCT
Form ADT-1-281015.OCT
FormSchV-291114 for the FY ending on-310314.OCT
Form23AC-281114 for the FY ending on-310314.OCT
Form23AC-060114 for the FY ending on-310313.OCT
Form 32-220713.OCT
Evidence of cessation-220713.PDF
Form 32-060613.OCT
Optional Attachment 1-060613.PDF
Form23AC-030113 for the FY ending on-310312.OCT
FormSchV-131212 for the FY ending on-310312-Revised-1.OCT
Form 18-110712.OCT
Optional Attachment 1-030712.PDF
Form 22B-280312-260312.PDF
Declaration by person-280312.PDF
Optional Attachment 1-280312.PDF
Optional Attachment 2-280312.PDF
Acknowledgement of Stamp Duty MoA payment-210312.PDF
Acknowledgement of Stamp Duty AoA payment-210312.PDF